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2.0 Issues

Started by Rock Ridge Farm (Larry), March 12, 2011, 06:21:07 AM

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Installed latest on XP
With IDE closed, double clicking an iwb file does absolutely nothing that I can see.

With IDE open:
1. double clicking opens/focus file as expected.
2. dragging iwb from windows explorer to IDE works as expected.

Tried preprocessor color; does not change color of $include preprocessor.

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


March 24, 2011, 01:25:48 PM #126 Last Edit: March 24, 2011, 01:35:16 PM by Brian Pugh
Just installed, went OK, XP SP3

Icons show in Explorer, double-clicking on an IWB or IWP opens the IDE
but not the file with it

The hidden filename is same as Larry's and Sapero's


PS: I installed the new ddehelper, and find that it will open a program into the IDE,
but only if the file was the last one that had been opened

Double-click on a file that is different to the last one opened, and it fails


Quote from: LarryMc on March 24, 2011, 01:22:48 PM
Installed latest on XP
With IDE closed, double clicking an iwb file does absolutely nothing that I can see.

With IDE open:
1. double clicking opens/focus file as expected.
2. dragging iwb from windows explorer to IDE works as expected.

IWP files respond exactly like IWB files.

Also checked and the preprocessor color registry entry is present.

@Sapero - I know you had been using a newer Scintilla file.  Is the download in sync with what you tested the pp color on?

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


The recently uploaded setup is not the correct/newest one. Larry uploaded some older version without icons in /bin. He will upload again.
QuoteAlso checked and the preprocessor color registry entry is present
It was there for ages, but the IDE had no option to modify and use it.

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

re-compiled and uploaded - Icons are in the bin dir but it is still not
working on Win 7 for me.



downloaded/installed ver ????

preprocessor color now works

no change with doubleclicking
If IDE is open, file will open
If IDE is closed, IDE does not open and file does not open.

I installed on top of existing install.
Not in Program Files folder
checked file registration and it says use ddehelper

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


INT still comes up in the wrong color.

When all else fails, get a bigger hammer.


Quote from: billhsln on March 24, 2011, 04:16:45 PM
INT still comes up in the wrong color.

Same here, it's being treated like the function when it should be a type declaration.

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


March 25, 2011, 01:16:23 AM #133 Last Edit: March 25, 2011, 01:39:51 AM by sapero
INT is a type and a function, see in iwbstd.incc:
In scintilla, int is available in two keywords sets, 0 and 1. The first set has highest precedence, so int is styled in blue. The IDE adds INT to the second group (as variable type), and while loading the incc file adds it also to the fitst group, because it is marked as a command.

Ok, removed it from iwbstd.incc for the next update.


Look guys, I don't want to be obnoxious but you are behaving like children. Playing with pretty colours which IMHO are not really necessary, while at the same time running around the main problem. Double clicking or single clicking or whatever clicking on the .iwb or .prj files should start the IDE (if it is not already started) and load all necessary files so that a man can start working immediately. Also bear in mind that there are some of us who are not using Windows Explorer at all. I for example am using Total Commander ever since it was introduced more than a decade ago and would never go back to the ugly world of Windows Explorer.

And as a customer I really don't care about stupid (yes, stupid) protection scheme problems. If this protection system is not good, change it so that it does not interfere with the real work. I did not pay my money for the protection but for the working IWBasic and since the number of sold units is so low anyway and since (as far as I can tell) all of us here are normal people get rid of the protection completely. Yes, protect the trial version but give us, legal customers, a special protected place where we can download proper (unprotected) IWBasic so that we can start working and not thinking about "what will happen now when I start the program".

BTW. Regarding the protection I was bored last night and it took me about half hour to break it. So, if I can break it in such short time and I am definitely not into that kind of thing, just imagine what will real warez group do. They will probably need a few minutes and the only reason why there are no IWB copies out there in the wild is that it is not interesting enough.

Remember that we are not using a game here but a supposedly professional development system and most of us are professionals so the last thing we want is to steal sapero's or LarryS' or LarryMc's work.

O.K. I've let off my steam and LarryS can do whatever he wants with me but I've said what I had to say and will say it any time there's a problem I think should be solved quickly. We are here to enjoy this product, not to fight with it.


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

We are working on the .iwb click issue - Sapero and I spent yesterday working on that and will
most likely be working on it today. Sometimes we are doing stuff but not posting in the forum
because we have not made enough progress to post.

As for protection - it is set to minimal at this time.
If you question the need search bit torrent for the various post about
cracking Ebasic/IWBasic - someone posted it there.



March 26, 2011, 02:46:22 AM #136 Last Edit: March 26, 2011, 12:15:11 PM by sapero
I have installed Win7 and IWBasic (in Program Files).
Setup failed to run iwbdev.exe - elevation required. The setup should use ShellExecute instead CreateProcess.

Uac prompts each time when executing iwbdev.exe.
File associations - ok.
Compilation - ok.
Clicking an iwb file is working correctly when the IDE is closed and running.


Quote from: Rock Ridge Farm (Larry) on March 25, 2011, 06:52:04 AM
As for protection - it is set to minimal at this time.
If you question the need search bit torrent for the various post about
cracking Ebasic/IWBasic - someone posted it there.

So what!  It doesn't matter what you do.  It'll get posted.  You can't protect it from serious pirates.  You can only hassle your customers.

The vast majority of the people who would buy this program if they can't get it any other will will also buy it even if it's available on pirate sites.

Why not remove the protection from the licensed versions and focus on getting the bugs out.  Then consider some kind of protection if you have to.

Focusing on the protection problems now is kind of a dirty trick to play on your customers when they're waiting for bug fixes.  I was saving my money to eventually buy a copy but watching all this I'm not sure I want it now.



March 27, 2011, 11:35:37 PM #138 Last Edit: March 27, 2011, 11:46:30 PM by REDEBOLT
Quote from: barry on March 27, 2011, 08:29:25 PM
I was saving my money to eventually buy a copy but watching all this I'm not sure I want it now.


I agree.   :-\

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

As many of you know we were under almost constant attack over the last 2 weeks.
I finally found the injected code and hope to have closed it.

With that said, I have lost track of any current issues with 2.0.
If you are still having an issue that we have not addressed
can you post it here - it will save me lots of searching.




When you have compiled your program (failed or not failed), the scrollbars in the Build window
go all peculiar. Mainly, if you have an error line longer than the Build window, the vertical
scrollbars get stuck, and the horizontal scrollbar disappears. If you click where the horizontal
scrollbar should be, it appears




I still can't open a source or project file and have it open directly into the IDE. I have
tried setting both extensions to open with ddehelper and iwbdev, with no success

Icons are OK, though, and display in Explorer


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

We are still working on that.



April 11, 2011, 03:58:12 PM #143 Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 04:11:24 PM by sapero
Brian, I've update my DDE helper and the IDE - Larry needs to update the setup. Ddehelper will communicate with the IDE using localy bound socked, so UAC should not deny it. Previously the dde helper used messaging to forward DDE messages to the IDE. If you played with UAC settings, you probably increased security level, disabling windows messages exchange from less privileged process (file manager - explorer) to more privileged IDE.

Now the IDE will open a tiny local TCP server at The dde helper will connect to this address and send full path to the file you want to open. The randomly selected port number is stored in IDE's main registry key, so the dde helper will know where to connect.
The ip address is safe, only locally running applications are able to use it.

On Vista/Win7 with UAC active, you will be not able to open files with drag-drop, unless the source application is running as administrator (UAC related protection).



Good to hear you are dealing with the problem, but I can quite honestly say I have
never "played" with the UAC settings. Never had the need to with Win XP, and never
had any program that wouldn't run for me without tweaking the UAC




I try to compile a project with version 2.003 and i have an error :

Compiling Resources...
No Errors

File: C:\xxx.iwb (148) Warning: RETURN value expected.

IWBasicLinker v1.12 Copyright © 2009,2010 Ionic Wind Software
Unresolved external _sprintf
Error: Unresolved extern _sprintf
Error(s) in linking xxx.exe



It's telling you that you need a RETURN 0 before the ENDSUB

If you have a subroutine that's purely code, with no messages or
endselects, etc, you can get away without a RETURN at all, just

It's probably your main sub that needs it



Remove the underscore from _sprintf (and from all other unresolved functions), it is no longer required.


April 14, 2011, 12:17:46 AM #148 Last Edit: April 14, 2011, 07:47:28 AM by sapero
For those with _sprintf problem - the USING function causes it (has been not updated yet) - please download and unpack the attached library, then copy it to IWBasic/libs directory, overwriting the old file.

The library will be updated in the next release of IWBasic setup file, in few hours (I hope Larry will upload it this morning).
It is now online in the setup, so removing attachment.


Good job Sapero !
I can compile my source with version 2.003.
The bug with using (linker error) is gone.
The math bug with quad is gone.
The exe is 2ko less with optimisations.

The debug is still buggy : cant stop.
The little window build/debug/find : the scrollbars are buggy.
Sometimes the arrows disapear, sometime arrows key are doubled...

Please, can you tell us when a new version is ready to download ?