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IWBasic runs in Windows 11!

2.0 Issues

Started by Rock Ridge Farm (Larry), March 12, 2011, 06:21:07 AM

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April 25, 2011, 12:15:11 PM #175 Last Edit: April 28, 2011, 12:04:44 PM by sapero
My bad, I have uploaded the wrong library file to Larry - INSTR used _sprintf. That will happen no more :D.

Attached is the correct library for current setup. I will remove it when Larry updates the setup.
How to install:
1. Instal the current IWBasic
2. download the attached iwbstd.zip, unpack iwbstd.lib from it to /iwbasic_install_dir/libs, owerwrite the old file.


Yep, that fixed it! Many thanks,



bug in debug = when i launch debug and close my app the ide close too.
on version 2.004 in win xp


The IDE quits after 4 seconds if you debug simple MESSAGEBOX program.


Everytime I open IWBasic it opens the project that was open when I shut down IWBasic.
That's fine and I like that.

The problem comes in how I start IWBasic back up.

If IWBasic is not running:
I double-click on any iwb or inc file located anywhere.
The IDE opens.
I get a messagebox saying
QuoteProject moved from original directory.
Update project files?
When I click either yes or no to clear the messagebox my project loads and the file loads properly.
My project hasn't changed directories in the last year and the file I double-clicked on is not part of a project and has nothing to do with my project.

It didn't act that way before.
Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


version 2.512 and above of the compiler has broken my code for opening browsers, crashes program.
The sub that crashes program is below

'/// Show browswers
Global Sub browse(int a,int x,int y,int w,int h),int
string wi,hi,ttemp
OPENWINDOW browser[Question_number,a].border,x,y,w,h,@BORDER|@NOCAPTION,Maindlg,"",&borderhandler
OPENWINDOW browser[Question_Number,a].cont,-1,-1,w+30,h+15,@BORDER|@NOCAPTION,browser[Question_Number,a].border,"",&browsehandler
IF ATTACHBROWSER(browser[Question_Number,a].cont) <> 0
MESSAGEBOX (Maindlg,"Unable to create embedded browser","error",0)
CLOSEWINDOW browser[Question_Number,a].cont
CLOSEWINDOW browser[Question_Number,a].border
if (#qnum[Question_Number].layout=2)or(#qnum[Question_Number].layout=7)or(#qnum[Question_Number].layout=9)or(#qnum[Question_Number].layout=13)
url="About:<html><head><style type='text/css'>img {position:absolute; top:0px; left:0px }</style></head><body><img src='"+filenam+"' width='"+wi+"'; height='"+hi+"' /></body></html>"
BROWSECMD browser[Question_Number,a].cont,@NAVIGATE,url
return 0


Since I don't have your UDT structure I can't dummy your code up in a test program.
The only things I can suggest are:
1. set the compiler option for initializing variables
2. run in debug mode with a dbprint between each line to see how far it gets.

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


BTW, I have no problem opening a browser window with a program compiled with the latest version of the compiler.

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


Quote from: zaphod on April 26, 2011, 04:26:37 AM
bug in debug = when i launch debug and close my app the ide close too.
on version 2.004 in win xp

Just a reminder that the above issue has never been totally resolved.
It happened to me several times last week while I was trying to track down a problem.

Aside from that I personally have no problems right now with the latest version.
And I recompile the IWB+ (in part or whole) probably 20+ times a day right now.
(And it does have a browser window).

However, it is only fair to say that I know of at least one person who gave up on 2.0 because of the problems he has with resetting of the program security. I install new updates now over my existing installation, which may be why I don't have those security issues.

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


Larry I can run the two browser examples that come with Iwb2 with no problems, I have just reinstalled win7 64bit on my computer and went back to iwb1.8 and my program works ok
I then install the latest ibw2 and the latest includes and it crashes in the sub I posted before.


I don't doubt you're having the problem.

A good while back Sapero fixed several problems (through our private conversations) that appeared to be only impacting me because of the size and complexity of the designer program and all the differen things I do.

My suggestion to debug and see if you could find the line is what I had to do to narrow the problem down as much as possible for Sapero to be able to find it.

It might be something going on in another part of your program that is corrupting one of your UDT variables and it is showing up in this subroutine.

Can you rig up a stripped down version of your code that I can run and that duplicates your problem.  I'd be happy to play with it and see what it takes to make it work.

...besides, I need a break from this ^$$#^*&@ help file!!

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


Larry have just booted into my XP partition and the very same exe build that fails in win7 runs ok in XP no crash, also I copied over my iwbdev folder from xp to win7 partition which is compiler v2.002 and compile the program again in win7 and it works ok no crashes, will send you a rigged file when I can Cheers.


Quote from: Pip1957 on June 21, 2011, 02:33:17 PM
Larry have just booted into my XP partition and the very same exe build that fails in win7 runs ok in XP no crash, also I copied over my iwbdev folder from xp to win7 partition which is compiler v2.002 and compile the program again in win7 and it works ok no crashes, will send you a rigged file when I can Cheers.

I'm running an XP so if it works on your xpthen I probably can't help you.  But your post made me think of a post Sapero made about filenames with spaces in the name in win7causing problems at one time.

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


No crash here in win7 x64 (used the latest public iwb setup).
I've created two dummy structures to get it compile.


That would make me think it's the contents of one of those UDT elements is getting trashed.

But that is what we use to call a WAG (wild-a$$ guess) ;D

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


Your Dummy example works ok, I booted my XP partition and upgraded to the latest version of compiler and includes and my program compiles and runs with no errors.
Booted back to win7 and tried the compiled exe from the XP compile and it crashes after opening the browser to display a picture.
have checked with a messagebox that all the data from the structures is correct no problems there
I can compile and run the program ok in Win7 if compiled with version 2.002 compiler.


Could you catch up where the exception occurs? Or, at least attach your executable with debug info?



It's my understanding that Sapero got your problem fixed, is that correct?

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


Yes Larry he found a bug in the browser library and sent me the updates that he did which cured my problems.  :D


Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


Discovered this problem  :(  while using my new WIN7 x64 computer ;D
The problem does NOT exists on my old XP machine.
I used this as a test program and compiled as a CONSOLE app..
print " Any key to end"
do:until inkey$<>""

Compiling this as a single file (with and without DEBUG) there is no problem with how it runs.

I then created a project and added the above as the sole source file (after adding the required $MAIN directive)
Compiling without DEBUG and run presents no problem.

If I set the DEBUG flag it compiles and runs fine (appears to)
If I close the running app it appears to close normally.
If I recompile and run it again it "appears" to have worked fine (because I made no changes in the source file)
What I didn't see (because at the end of the compile the bottom pane switched from BUILD to DEBUG so fast) was that the exe file wasn't relinked because the app is still running (at least it's process is).
In task manager I select the process and tell it to close.  It doesn't close.
I have to close the IWB IDE. When I do the running process entry in task manager goes away.

The one visible difference I see is:
Without DEBUG
the console window displays " Any key to end"
when I hit a key, "Press any key to continue..." is displayed.
I hit another key and the window closes.
NOTE: This is how it appears when compiled as a non-project, both with and without DEBUG

the console window displays " Any key to end"
when I hit a key the window closes.

How I noticed it: I had a bunch of print statements in a project Sapero was helping me with.
We were through and I was taking the print statements out yet they kept appearing when I ran the program.

The other issue with this problem is that although the linker encountered an error (not being able to delete the existing exe to create the new one) it preceeded on to start the exe.  That whole compile/link process should have stopped at the point of failure and never started the app.

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


We are working on this issue. The current debugger included in kernel32.dll engine has some new limitations on Windows 7, and probably Vista. The new debugger will use the debugger from Debugging Tools for Windows - dbgeng.dll.

Below is a prevew - a sample code with forced failures, a temporary menu item (Debugger).
The debugger you see bellow was created in a form of a plugin, which is activated from the Help menu. It requires that the dbghelp.dll from /bin directory is totally replaced with some newer version. Also dbgeng.dll and symsrv.dll are required (dbgeng.dll is not redistibutable - you need to download+install+copy).



I am trying to install IWB2 on windows XP SP3 for the trial. Just after the instalation IWB2 starts but later on iwbdev.exe doesn't load or show any messages.
I'm from Brazil, running the Brazilian Portuguese version of windows xp (the path "Programs Files" is replaced by "Arquivo de Programas") and using the NOD32 antivirus (disabling it didn't chabge things).
I read a lot of the posts on this forum but couldn't the answer.
Could anyone help me ?


Hello Rodrigo, the trial version displays an initial, small registration window, without the taskbar button. It can open at the bottom of Z-order, so try to minimize all windows and find it.

If that will not help, reset program settings - run the registry editor (regedit.exe), navigate to
And delete the IWBasic related subkey. It may happen that the IDE saved invalid window position, so if you delete its subkey, the IDE, when you run it again, will use default settings.


Thanks for the tip Sapiero, but what solved the problem was to make a .bat file to call iebdev.exe. I discovered that when I called iwbdev.exe from the cmd prompt and it loaded.