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IWBasic runs in Windows 11!

Sapero's Windows include files(History)

Started by Ionic Wind Support Team, May 23, 2006, 02:09:22 PM

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Ionic Wind Support Team

May 23, 2006, 02:09:22 PM Last Edit: April 11, 2011, 07:40:00 AM by LarryMc
Sapero has done a bang up job converting the windows header files for Aurora.  I've uploaded them to this server for easier access.

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I'll update them when he does ;)
Ionic Wind Support Team


Sapero, your efforts and talents are greatly appreciated.
Software For Metalworking


Thank you, these are very useful for people like me who don't like to look up and convert all the declares ;)

Mike Stefanik

Any chance these could be folded into the actual distribution (with acknowledgement, of course)?
Mike Stefanik
Catalyst Development Corporation



Bruce Peaslee

Yes, very useful.

You could get the files by following the link in his signature, but the site was hard to figure out.
Bruce Peaslee
"Born too loose."
iTired (There's a nap for that.)
Well, I headed for Las Vegas
Only made it out to Needles

Ionic Wind Support Team

And it makes you wait like 40 seconds before the download begins, that is what I meant by 'easier' access ;)
Ionic Wind Support Team


June 03, 2006, 03:07:21 PM #8 Last Edit: May 19, 2007, 11:42:02 AM by sapero
Uploaded new build 3 june 2006 (8MB zip)
Scroll down, click FREE.

Added SDL (+mixer +image -net) and Opengl includes.
Added converted OGL examples from http://www.codesampler.com/oglsrc.htm (pages 1-4).
Created a vector3f class wrapper that allows adding, multiplying... 3float-vectors.
Here is a other class wrapper - matrix4x4f - with fewer implemented methods: identity, rotate, transformVector, invertMatrix and transformPoint.
The vector3f class is in two versions: standard aurora code and nasm language (default for release, disabled for debug build-linker crash).

Finished ShlDisp.inc :) see in BrowseFolder_shell.src for small demo.

Added easier unicode api access (80% done):
extern int wvsprintfA(LPSTR *q, pointer arglist);
extern int wvsprintfW(LPWSTR *q, pointer arglist);
#ifdef UNICODE
extern int wvsprintf alias wvsprintfW(LPWSTR *q, pointer arglist);
extern int wvsprintf alias wvsprintfA(LPSTR *q, pointer arglist);
So just define UNICODE before #include

Just a note about opengl programming with aux* functions:
In Microsoft SDK was a glaux static library that had references to C-library symbols like __security_cookie or _api@number.
Have created a glaux.dll that exports all the symbols defined in GLAux.inc ;D
If you like to use opengl - copy the dll from \include\gl\glaux dll.zip\ to program or system directory,
and create a import library for: glaux.dll, glu32.dll and opengl32.dll

Let me know if I'd forgot a .lib :D
Happy opengl'ing!


I knew Premium membership at Rapidshare will come in handy one day. Downloaded at full speed in less than a minute. Waiting time 0.1 seconds. :)

Thank you for the updated files, sapero.



Found this bug, forgot to set up esi in vector3f@mulvf.
[** - Link Remove - **

On rapishare download is always good, but upload on my dsl is only 16KB/s (this zip 8 minutes)

Ionic Wind Support Team

Ionic Wind Support Team


June 06, 2006, 02:47:55 PM #12 Last Edit: June 06, 2006, 02:50:21 PM by sapero
added some converted opengl examples, check Particle system (wow) ;D
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this download includes only opengl examples and new or changed includes.

Added Intel CG-Toolkit includes, changed RAND_MAX type to double (stdlib.inc), and added some methods to vertex3f class
vertex3f_a -= vertex3f_b * float is now coded as vertex3f_a.sub_mulvf(vertex3f_b, float)

ogl_particle_system - will not work on machine with intel 82845 graphics card (no extension or after driver update - no particles).
The CG version works ok (ogl_optimized_billboards)
If you install the cg-toolkit - copy binaries from Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Cg\bin\ to system dirsctory, and create import libraries for cg.dll and cggl.dll

Added fullscreen toggler - alt+enterÂÃ,  for all examples with animation, and if possible - mouse wheel handling

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

I downloaded it. Had issues compiling - all the projects reference the 'D' dirve.
Is there a simple way to update the project files to another drive short of manually re-doing them?

Ionic Wind Support Team

When you first load a project the IDE gives you a chance to update the paths.  If you selected 'no' then you hosed ;)

Actually just unzip the archive again, open the project from the IDE and whan it gives you the chance chose 'yes'
Ionic Wind Support Team

John S

I got the following error for line:  extern _hinstance as HINSTANCE;   in  3dtest.src

Compiling Resources
Error compiling resources
File: J:\Program Files\Aurora\examples\bass\3dtest\3dtest.src (12) duplicate definition of variable or label
Error(s) in compiling "J:\Program Files\Aurora\examples\bass\3dtest\3dtest.src"
John Siino, Advanced Engineering Services and Software


Try searching through that file and the includes (tools->find in files) for _hinstance, because that means it was defined twice.

John S

I know that it was defined twice.
in 3dtest.src it is defined as:
    extern _hinstance as HINSTANCE;

in Windows.inc it is defined as:
    extern _hinstance as unsigned int;

Which one should I comment out?
John Siino, Advanced Engineering Services and Software


Probably the one in 3dtest.src, in case anything else uses that value from windows.inc.


Comment the one in 3dtest.src, it was defined here before I added it to windows.inc.
_hinstance is exported somewhere in aurora library, so GetModuleHandle(null) can be replaced with. One api less :)

In 3dtest.rc is a reference to icon from bass\netradio\icon.ico, try to fix the path manually from IDE or editing the rc script


I've just installed the Windows include files. When compiling an example I get an error:

No Errors

Aurora Linker v1.0 Copyright ÂÃ,©2005,2006 Ionic Wind Software
Error: Unable to open file C:\PROGRA~1\Aurora\libs\custom\comlib.lib
Error(s) in linking E:\aurora.exe

Does anyone know where I can get comlib.lib I've searched my own computer but I can't find it anywhere.

Thanks in advance



Seems I'm missing more libs

Icon Viewer.src
File: E:\aurora.include.3.june.2006b\examples\Icon Viewer.src (36) Warning: Temporary string assigned to POINTER, possible memory loss
File: E:\aurora.include.3.june.2006b\examples\Icon Viewer.src (43) Warning: Temporary string assigned to POINTER, possible memory loss
File: E:\aurora.include.3.june.2006b\examples\Icon Viewer.src (102) Warning: Temporary string assigned to POINTER, possible memory loss
File: E:\aurora.include.3.june.2006b\examples\Icon Viewer.src (108) Warning: Temporary string assigned to POINTER, possible memory loss
File: E:\aurora.include.3.june.2006b\examples\Icon Viewer.src (118) Warning: Temporary string assigned to POINTER, possible memory loss
No Errors

Aurora Linker v1.0 Copyright ÂÃ,©2005,2006 Ionic Wind Software
Unresolved external _ListRemoveAll@8
Error: Unable to open file C:\PROGRA~1\Aurora\libs\custom\comlib.lib
Error: Unable to open file C:\PROGRA~1\Aurora\libs\LinkedList.lib
Error: Unresolved extern _ListRemoveAll@8
Error: Unresolved extern _ListEnumFromStart@12
Error: Unresolved extern _ListAddHead@8
Error: Unresolved extern _ListCreate@4
Error(s) in linking E:\aurora.exe

Anyone who knows how to resolve this.


just post :)
the linked list has been created before the aurora's class, and is no more active project.
The comlib has only IIF and farcall functions, I don't know why the name is comlib ;D

The IIF can be extended to any 4-byte types:
extern float IIFF alias IIF(bool expression, float ifTrue, float ifFalse);
extern pointer IIFP alias IIF(bool expression, pointer ifTrue, pointer ifFalse);

with string it works too but sometimes raises INVALID_HEAP exception in ntdll.


I released linked list functions with those names (except I don't remember ListEnumFromStart), but they shouldn't be in C format (e.g., ListCreate instead of _ListCreate@4).

You can use mine which the code is here on the forums (good idea if you're scared of classes), or you can use the CList derived classes.
