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Sapero's Windows include files(History)

Started by Ionic Wind Support Team, May 23, 2006, 02:09:22 PM

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July 23, 2006, 02:02:17 PM #25 Last Edit: May 19, 2007, 11:41:04 AM by sapero
A small update - all changes from latest upload: [expired]
Added and fixed some includes, but here still are tokens to fix (arguments by value etc.)


From all my stupid questions, you all know I am a newb when it comes to all of this new oop stuff.
I downloaded your include files and see there are Lib files and ATL files.
1. Where in Aurora would I place all of these and how would I got about using them?
2. How do you know you are not overwriting someone else's includes, libs etc.?
3. Is there a way to place (custom/user made) includes, sources, classes and libs somewhere else and not mix them with what is in Aurora?

I also downloaded your animated gif example, but had no idea how to make it work or where I should put the includes and such. And tie all of it into Aurora to compile.

Thanks, any explanation here will help me also understand another facet of all that is confusing to me.


July 24, 2006, 03:31:29 AM #27 Last Edit: July 24, 2006, 04:01:14 AM by sapero
1. You can place the includes in
- your /include folder (overwriting problem)
- in /include/c but additional you need to fix all #include "*" to #include "c\\*"
- in any other folder where you compile projects using those includes (bad!)
ÂÃ,  so if you install includes in x:\blah - copy here your gif example and compile ;D
- create one big include from all C includes.

2. Here was only one problem with ddraw.inc - C include has been renamed to __ddraw.
- Before you install includes just move existing to another folder, copy new includes and move the old includes back, see what is overwritten.
Aurora cannot include other files than .inc, if it would be so great - we could rename all C includes to *.cinc or .h :)
- mark existing includes as read-only and install new includes, or...
- change modify date for existing includes to current date and replace only older files (totalcmd)

3. Custom made libraries with guids, strings and helper functions I have placed in libs\custom, libs from platform sdk - in libs\sdk
For custom classes you can create extra folder include\classes if you have many files to include. You must know what and how you want

"had no idea how to make it work" - compile without including and see what is undeclared. Search for it in C includes and create new (favorite) include with it. Before I've converted the C includes i had only two includes - windows.inc and com.inc, everyday updated for new api's or interfaces.
I hope you know the last download link is only a small update, the core you find in first topic (about 10MB).

I have noticed time problem while compiling sources with ole2, objbase or windows.inc included - on my old desktop with celeron 2.4GHz, 256MB ram / 64MB graphic shared (with pagefile 512MB + 2* 256MB) - the parser takes a long time to handle all included files, minimum one minute. Memory usage: >200MB, all this goes to pagefile, so it compiles ultra slow.
With 1GB ram without pagefile it takes 1-2seconds. I could not wait so long for 1KB source file, and buyed a laptop with 1GB ram :)


THanks for the reply Sapero. With this info, got a direction to go and try it out. I didn't know about the second update not being a total one, so thanks. That could have been it that stuff was not there.


something strange happening to me ;)
the included file run great but if i try to compile a 3d example then i got the folowing error
CDirectInput di; unknown type

if i remove the includes files then i can compile the 3d

anyone know how to fix this?

Ionic Wind Support Team

Remove the directinput include file from Sapero's installation.
Ionic Wind Support Team


ive remove all directinput.inc but im still getting the same error

Ionic Wind Support Team

probably some other file interferring with the 2D library.  As Sapero himself suggested rename ddraw.inc as well.

Ionic Wind Support Team


didnt work too...
is there something particular i should search for in the include that can interfer with CDirectInput.

Ionic Wind Support Team

Don't know.  I don't use them myself. 
Ionic Wind Support Team


np, ill wait sapero if he knows something about it ;)
these include are very helpfull but i want to be able to use dx stuff too :P


i have isolated the problem, its comming from dx2d.inc thats included in the sapero files .. must interfer with the one in the Bin

but if i remove this file, the incs are not automaticaly processed anymore...

Ionic Wind Support Team

Don't remove any from the 'bin' directory.  Find out where his is included and rename it.
Ionic Wind Support Team


August 13, 2006, 12:15:13 AM #38 Last Edit: August 13, 2006, 12:16:49 AM by krypt
yes, DON'T remove the one from the BIN directory ;)
the one i've remove is from the INCLUDE directory...


Remove from includes dx2d.inc and rename math.inc to __math or so.
dx2d is a old copy from /bin, did not seem before uploading.

Ionic Wind Support Team

I've change the parser for Beta1 so it won't incude a file with the same name as an official one by mistake.  In other words the include files in the bin directory have priority over all others.
Ionic Wind Support Team


Quote from: Paul Turley on August 13, 2006, 11:24:04 AM
I've change the parser for Beta1 so it won't incude a file with the same name as an official one by mistake.  In other words the include files in the bin directory have priority over all others.

Great ;)


Quote from: Mike Stefanik on May 23, 2006, 04:17:14 PM
Any chance these could be folded into the actual distribution (with acknowledgement, of course)?

this didn't get answered so I want to sort of bring it up again, bump it as it where. It seems like this is a valuable asset and since so much work has been done and it is so useful, just seems like it should be part of the official distribution with all the problems resolved?  Why reinvent the wheel?

Ionic Wind Support Team

It got noted.  Didn't think it needed an answer ;)

Anyway I will be looking at including them in the release versions. 
Ionic Wind Support Team


Cool Paul, I still haven't figure out how to use them, but that will be my focus this weekend. With this and Beta to study, really looking forward to the coming long weekend!!


Sapero, I felt like a kid in a candy store last night looking through all the work you did in putting this together.

Unfortunately, I tried to follow your directions for putting them into Aurora, by moving what is there out, putting yours in and then brining back the Aurora stuff, but for some reason my Aurora would freeze up at load up. I did an install again ontop of the installation and still it messed up, so I just started from scratch. Aurora is working fine now and I didn't lose any of my projects, but I also can't run your samples and examples.

Anyways, just wanted to say thanks for your efforts, just looking through just some of the files took a long time. I can't imagine converting all of that, truly an amazing undertaking!!

Todd Riggins


Awsome work man! I've just got a chance to look over the june 3 download but I have yet to install it correctly in fear off conflicting files. Should I be?
I wasnt able to download any updated links after that first one as the website they are hosted on say they have been deleted.

I was curious if those new updates contain updated glext.inc file?

Latest GL_GLEXT_VERSION is 29. Updated 2005/06/20.

Thanks for any info.
Brought to you buy: http://www.exodev.com


No, this is v21, i don't subscribe :)
Quote/* Header file version number, required by OpenGL ABI for Linux */
/* glext.h last updated 2003/1/12
I'll update the includes, i have more than 40MB to convert ;D


also, three files: glext, glxext and wglext updated to 2005/06/20 ( /include/gl ).

Todd Riggins

Man that was fast  ;D

I was curious as I was thinking about following your older version of glext.inc and update it myself.
Thanks for the update, Sapero!
Brought to you buy: http://www.exodev.com