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Ionic Wind Linux Project

Started by Ionic Wind Support Team, January 23, 2007, 09:45:55 PM

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Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

How do I get that compiler and instructions?
I would love to play with it.


Quote from: Rock Ridge Farm (Larry) on April 11, 2007, 08:58:13 AM
How do I get that compiler and instructions?
I would love to play with it.

double ditto!


me too would like to see.
then ill make a donation ;)

Ionic Wind Support Team

Reviving the linux project.....

Donationware doesn't seem to be working out.  So lets come up with something different.   How about $15 and you can get preview releases of the linux compiler with a few caveats...

1.  You have to install things manually at the moment, no nice RPM or .DEB package yet.

2.  It's completely command line driven right now.  So you either need to be comfortable with the linux shell or use a third party IDE like Anjunta.   Anjunta isn't a perfect solution but it will let you compile and link single source files.

3.  The compiler works, but the command library not completely finished yet, so no bugging me about when ;)

Ionic Wind Support Team


interresting ;)
how can i send the payment to receive the preview release ;)
but i think the linux project should be non-lucrative just an addons to the current compilers.

is there some minimal instruction to install and compile on linux?


I'm ready whenever... a peek preview is all we have been asking about so far anyway  ;D

Quote3.  The compiler works, but the command library not completely finished yet, so no bugging me about when  ;)

I don't quite understand what we aren't supposed to be bugging you about... the compiler, unfinished command library or the preview version?


Ionic Wind Support Team

The commands of course since you will be using a very early alpha.

Ionic Wind Support Team

Ionic Wind Support Team

May 28, 2007, 09:26:41 AM #157 Last Edit: May 21, 2011, 04:20:27 PM by LarryMc
Here is the link to buy into the preview releases:

I will be emailing the needed files with some basic installation instructions sometime tomorrow.  The we can discuss usage right here on the forums.  

You will need the binutils and nasm packages installed as well.  I will see if there are any other dependancies needed and post them here.

Ionic Wind Support Team

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Sent payment - I thought that is part of what we were getting for donating to the linux project to start with.

Ionic Wind Support Team

Yes you will get the full versions by making a contribution.  As I've already stated earlier in this thread.

This is just for the preview releases, being able to play with each change that I make, etc.  Something that I would not normally do since it does take a lot of time and effort on my part to make them usable on any system other than mine at this point in the development.  And it will require some personal handholding on my part.  My time has to be worth something afterall.

So in otherwords if you are one of the 12 or so people that have made a contribution, and don't mind waiting for the final versions, then sit back and have patience ;)   But if you just must have a peek now, and can spare the $15, then I don't mind spending the extra time needed to troubleshoot problems you might have with your particular linux distribution trying to run this early alpha of the compiler.

The contribution supported concept was a nice idea in the beginning but so few were interested that the Linux version took a very low priority in my development time. 

Ionic Wind Support Team


I'm definitely in.... of course!  ;D

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Kool - can't wait to start playing with it.


 :D I'm IN!!

I want to play too in Linux!!

Jerry - Newbie from TN


Welcome to the fun and games to come Jerry! :)



Thanks David, looking forward to it!!

Jerry - Newbie from TN

Ionic Wind Support Team

Still working on the preview instructions...got sidetracked by daughters computer this evening, had massive infections and ended up just  rebuilding from the restore discs, reinstalling all of her programs, finally got her back on the internet about an hour ago ;)

Ionic Wind Support Team


Ionic Wind Support Team

OK info on downloading the archive was sent with instructions on where to put them.  Still working on easy usage instructions through the shell.  Have to reboot into Linux again since I forgot a few dependancies you'll need ;)
Ionic Wind Support Team


May 29, 2007, 10:36:08 PM #168 Last Edit: May 29, 2007, 11:06:07 PM by David Coker
Awesome, awesome, AWESOME!

Finally a "Turley language" to play with in Linux.  ;D ;D ;D

Be sure to get some rest Paul... we'll all have time to play later. ;)


I've been digging through the ebstd.incc file for the Linux version and see a whole lot of user friendly, familiar syntax!

Did I mention that this will be awesome?

Brice Manuel

Although I wish this was available to the Linux contributors, I am drooling with anticipation of the day when we do get to play with it ;D



could the Linux version of EB used to create games running on a GP2X ?


It runs Linux but uses an ARM CPU.

Ionic Wind Support Team

Ionic Wind Support Team

Brice Manuel

Resistance is futile.  Prepare to be assimilated.


Hi Brice!
This image is really great
Congrats! 8)

Peter B.

Brice Manuel

I can't take credit for that one, but he is a cute lil bugger ;)