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IWB Key word converter and code tools - New & Faster

Started by Andy, November 17, 2019, 02:48:23 AM

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This is the new updated version of the convert keywords program, it now has a very useful set of code tools for you which I think you'll just love.

Hopefully you will download it, use it, & add it to your IDE Tools option, or at least make a shortcut to it on your desktop.

I have attached two zip files, one is the run time only version with built exe files for ease, the other has all the source code for you to have a look at and change if you want.

This is a must - trust me on this one!

And boy is it fast, previously it took:
0.1097 seconds to convert 1,661 IWB keywords in lm2.iwb (pretty fast enough for us humans) but now I'm getting
0.000387 as my fastest convert of the same keywords.

It will of course vary on your machine.

Check out the Tools options, I've never stopped using them since I wrote them for this program.

Any problem, or I've missed something please let me know.

A massive thanks to Brian, without him I'd be miles behind etc, and to all of you who have helped with my coding questions - thanks again.

Enjoy programming again!

Day after day, day after day, we struck nor breath nor motion, as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean.


Now & faster version with invaluable code tools is now available for download here, please have a look:

Day after day, day after day, we struck nor breath nor motion, as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean.


And I will hopefully be adding in Ebasic and Cbasic IDE options as soon as I can too, together with some menu options that you all can add in.

Day after day, day after day, we struck nor breath nor motion, as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean.


New coding tools are here now for you.

Here is my latest offering to you all.

What's new here?

Well, 11,000 lines of code later, that's 11,000 reasons why you should download it, because you don't have to write it - it' s here and free for all.

A. A more advanced copy tool.

- You can copy multiple sub routines and windows with this

- You can give new names for the copied sub routines and windows.

- You can copy each selected window's handler code too.

- If you rename a window and want to copy the handle too, all references in the handler will have the new window name.

B. A more advanced removal tool.

- You can remove multiple sub routines and windows from your code.

- You can also remove the window's handler too.

C. A more advanced searching tool.

  You can search multiple words (like a phrase) instead of looking only for a simple match.

  You can search your words in any order too.

  You can select which sub routines to search, or of course the whole file.

  The search results show not only the line numbers but also the sub routine they appear in.

Special features.

All three programs should work with your IW editor.

On start up of any of these programs, your sub routines and windows (including their handlers are listed).

If you run any of these three programs with your editor open and minimize any of these programs then choose another file to look at in your editor, the programs will list all sub routines and windows of that code automatically.

Safety first.

Please remember the following:

Your original code remains unchanged.

You can send the output of these programs to either the clipboard or a file of your choosing.

How to:

Create a new folder.
Unzip the files to it.


Compile (only – don't run them yet) the following programs as single files (F8),


Compile ConvertKeywords.iwb as a project.

How to access the programs:

You have several choices,

You can add ConvertKeywords.exe to your IW editor's Tools menu.
You can create a desktop shortcut to it instead if you like.

The same applies to:


You can also access these three programs from the ConvertKeyWords Tools menu too.

To do list:

Write the "Replace" code in the Advanced search program.
Buttons "List", "Select all" and "Clear all" will be used when the replace code is done.

Don't forget, you also have (in the ConvertKeyWords Tools menu):

A quick and easy way to create

Console print screens.

Please have a go, these are very useful tools.
Please message me if I have missed something, or you need a little help.

Attached are the files.

Day after day, day after day, we struck nor breath nor motion, as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean.


Just downloaded your program (binaries and sources).
I'll test it this week end and provide some feedback.
Anyway, thank you for sharing this with the community !



This one has taken many months to put together.

I've found the Advanced copy and the tool to create a simple window (and handler) are by far the most useful.


I want to create a new program based on one I wrote earlier, but the older program has lots of sub routines I don't need.

1. I go to the Convert key words program, run it, select "Tools"
2. I select "Create a basic window and handler" - this goes now to the clipboard.
3. I then open up a blank file in the editor.
4. Next I paste in the new window.

So that's a new window for you, now for the sub routines I want...

5. You can simply just run AdvancedCopy.exe, or choose "Copy windows and subroutines (Advanced)" from the Convert key words programs's "Tools" menu.

6. Now minimise the AdvancedCopy program, and click on (in the editor) the old program.
7. If you do not have the old program loaded, you can select "File" and browse to it with the "..." box.

8. Either way, when the old program is selected / highlighted, the Advanced copy program should automatically list all it's subroutines and windows and come back into view.

9. Now it's just a matter of selecting (multi select) the subroutines you want.
10. Click "Copy" after selecting the ones you want.

The output goes to the clipboard via a temporary file.

11. All you have to do now is paste the sub routines into your new program and amend them to how you want them.

Sounds a few steps here, but really once you have done it a couple of times hopefully you will see just how easy and fast the whole thing is.

Indeed, once I had written these programs I started to use them daily while writing the rest of the code.

Thanks again for downloading, please have a play with it all and if I have missed anything or anyone has any questions please let me know.

By the way...

If the new window program does not do a window to your liking, simply use Notepad to edit the "ConvertWindow.ini" file, and add in / remove what is more useful to you - obviously save the file at the end.

Tip - for visual consistency (between Notepad and the editor) use spaces (not tabs) when indenting lines in this file.

Regarding sharing the code, as I've said before, I ask lots of questions but I always like to share my work with any one who might find it useful.

Day after day, day after day, we struck nor breath nor motion, as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean.


January 18, 2020, 04:51:01 AM #6 Last Edit: January 18, 2020, 05:07:38 AM by h3kt0r
Okay, here is a little feedback.
So, i've struggled a little bit to start the program because he wouldn't run due to the "iwbdev.ini" file
that wasn't found; had to edit its own "ini" file to point it to the full path.
Once started, the program does well. Everything seems to work fine.

My suggestion is to add a fallback function, to check the folder wherein the program is started to look for the "iwbdev.ini" file.


Thanks for testing it for me!

You never know just how someone's machine is configured - great idea, will look at that now.

Thanks again!
Day after day, day after day, we struck nor breath nor motion, as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean.


Hi very one,

I have updated the Advanced Search program to include three fields now, think that should be enough.


You can now search your code for pairs like:


And if you wanted, a third


Check out the AdvancedSearch.iwb (in the Bin folder) - compile as single (F8).

Very handy indeed!

Day after day, day after day, we struck nor breath nor motion, as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean.