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How to add methods to structure

Started by sapero, January 15, 2007, 11:42:28 AM

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January 15, 2007, 11:42:28 AM Last Edit: January 15, 2007, 11:46:49 AM by sapero
In C++, defining a class without virtual methods - the class will have same size as the sum of private variables sizes. In Aurora this is impossible, always a DWORD is added that points to jumptable, so how to add methods to struct?

Maybe you do not know, but redefining a structure is just ignored, without warnings.
struct s_A {int a;}
struct s_A {int b;} // no error, just ignored
s_A x;
print(x.b); // error: b is undefined; so the second definition of s_A was ignored

I've got an idea to redefine structure creating a class with same name, and it worked!
#autodefine "OFF"
// standard RECT structure is defined as follows:
struct RECT
int left;
int top;
int right;
int bottom;
// declaring a class with same name as structure - the class will be ignored,
// but methods are accepted. The "RECT" token was declared first as structure,
// second definition is ignored without warnings :)
class RECT
// define some common methods
declare Set(int l,int t,int r,int b);
declare Width(),int;
declare Height(),int;

// now we can test it:
sub main()
RECT rc;
print("sizeof RECT = ", sizeof(RECT)); // 16
print("not initialized RECT values: ", rc.left,",",rc.top,",",rc.right,",",rc.bottom);

// initialize RECT and display new contents
print("initialized RECT values: ", rc.left,",",rc.top,",",rc.right,",",rc.bottom);
print("the width is ", rc.width());
print("the height is ", rc.height());

print("\npress any key to quit");

RECT::Set(int l,int t,int r,int b)
// this will produce an error, the class has no variables!:
left = l;
// instead we should cast variables to struct
*(RECT)this.left = l;
*(RECT)this.top = t;
*(RECT)this.right = r;
*(RECT)this.bottom = b;

return *(RECT)this.right - *(RECT)this.left;

return *(RECT)this.bottom - *(RECT)this.top;


Is this intended behaviour? Lol! Nice find! :D

Steven Picard