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Trayplayer 0.94

Started by ZeroDog, April 10, 2010, 05:26:52 PM

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System Tray Multimedia Player

Simple little media player that sits in your system tray. 

Supports .mp3 .wav  .mid  .wma  .wmv  .mpeg  .avi  .mpg .midi  media files
Playlist editor supports .m3u .pls format playlists for loading and saving.
Playlist editor supports drag and drop.

If Trayplayer is associated with file extensions, it will add the files to the playlist when the files are clicked in explorer.

Right clicking the Trayplayer icon in the system tray will bring up the menu, double clicking it will bring up the playlist editor.

Notes:  Pause feature does not seem to function correctly with mp3 files.  Looping the current file option will incorrectly loop at the wrong time if the option is selected while a file is playing (only the first loop)

All comments and suggestions are always welcome.


I just try and play fine my .mp3 ;D
Just one thing icon is little to big 64x64.
i see only empty space in my tray on winxpsp2.
Do i can made new icon with 32x32 that can be visible?


April 11, 2010, 03:39:07 AM #2 Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 03:41:27 AM by Copex
I really should learn how to use a spell checker! though im not sure how it will help someone who can not spell?
Except where otherwise noted, content Posted By Copex is
licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License



April 11, 2010, 08:56:01 PM #3 Last Edit: April 11, 2010, 08:59:57 PM by ZeroDog
hmmm... perhaps the icon resource isnt being added correctly on your system. Perhaps try manually adding the icon resource (give it the ID 'blue').  The icon shows up properly on my winxp sp2.   Ive attatched a 32x32 icon to this post.  I have also uploaded the compiled binary for testing purpose.  If the binary attatched here does not display the icon, then its an issue with your system, not the source/compiler.

As for the OGG support, I plan on re-writing this project using the EAE.  Currently it uses the windows MCI, which, in my opinion, isnt very good.  I will most likely keep the MCI portion of it for video playback, but the audio portion will be using the EAE.


April 12, 2010, 02:22:25 AM #4 Last Edit: April 12, 2010, 02:23:58 AM by aurelCB
Yes now binary works perfectly ;D
And yes when i change icon to 32x32 it is visible in tray.


Dark energy isn't. Dark energy travels too fast to be seen. In fact it is very bright on the inside. It must be because it is vacuuming up all the photons we leftover from dinner...



Worked OK for me, as well - Win XP SP3. Is there any value in downloading
the new version?



the binary is the same version as the source in the first post, including the 64x64 pixel icon, so if the source code compiled fine, it should be the exact same as the binary I posted.  Not sure why the icon size had any effect on Aurel's system.  Perhaps its a system setting that messed it up for him, such as icon sizing?


Maby is not visible becose i use 16bit colors,i guess.
on my second computer is visible.


oh, thats a possiblility.  Perhaps I should check the icon and convert it to a 256 color icon if it isnt already.


Thanks for the neat Trayplayer!!  It works great!  I'mreally impressed.  Hope to study your program and learn a lot from it.
Thanks again,
Jerry C.

OS: Win7 32bit
Jerry - Newbie from TN


 ??? attachments seems to be corrupted ZIP files !
Cannot open them either in Xplorer² or 7Zip.


We lost a bunch of attachments back when we were dealing with a hacker.
Good to see you back around.
Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


Oh, okay i see. Well that's too bad that the attachments were damaged. Maybe someone has a copy around and could upload it on Google drive ? Please ?
:) Ha, IWBasic is real fine stuff, keep up the good work Larry !