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If / EndIf prob

Started by srod, July 25, 2007, 05:17:06 AM

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Hi, just wondering if I'm doing something stupid here?  :D

The following runs fine:

a = ftStyle&8
If a = 8
blah blah

However, in the following which should be identical, the statements following the If always run regardless of the value of ftStyle!

If ftStyle&8 = 8
blah blah - this always runs!

All variables are of type INT.

Any ideas what I'm doing wrong here?



Okay, brackets fixed it!  Doh!



Don't feel bad.

I've been bitten by that one more than once.

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


According to the docs you have a choice of either a Block If (which requires an EndIf statement) or a single-line If which uses a Then followed by the statement to be executed on the same line (if the If is true). I'm kind of surprised that the first example was working for you since I would have though the compiler would have treated it as a single-line If and the next line as an unrelated statement.




I was usiing a If / EndIf construct in both cases.

The second case seems weird to me; I'd almost put it down as a bug, but oh well brackets saved the day!

Ionic Wind Support Team

July 25, 2007, 03:53:34 PM #5 Last Edit: July 26, 2007, 04:37:34 AM by Paul Turley
Read up on operator precedence ;)

The compiler sees this:

If ftStyle&8 = 8


If ftStyle & (8 = 8 )

Since 8 = 8 resolves as TRUE (1) and if ftStyle has it's LSB set to 1 then the statment is true.  Adding parenthesis gives you the correct result.

If (ftStyle & 8 ) = 8

Ionic Wind Support Team


July 26, 2007, 03:14:06 AM #6 Last Edit: July 26, 2007, 04:37:57 AM by Paul Turley
Quote from: Paul Turley on July 25, 2007, 03:53:34 PM
Read up on operator precedence ;)

The compiler sees this:

If ftStyle&8 = 8


If ftStyle & (8 = 8 )

Since 8 = 8 resolves as TRUE (1) and if ftStyle has it's LSB set to 1 then the statment is true.  Adding parenthesis gives you the correct result.

If (ftStyle & 8 ) = 8


I thought about that but convinced myself this wasn't the problem since I thought ftStyle was typically zero.  Turns out that I'd set things up so that the default value of ftStyle was 1!  Doh!  What a twit!   :-[  I should go back to school sometimes!