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Popup listbox-how?

Started by sapero, October 23, 2006, 07:43:43 AM

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Hello, I have small problem with listbox for property-grid control.
As you know, listbox (and any other control) placed on a window cannot stick out of the parent window.
But in combobox it can: the parent window of listbox is changed to desktop window, and windows styles are changed from WS_CHILD to WS_POPUP, so the listbox is always full visible.
I've tried this trick and it worked, but on the explorer task-switch toolbar, a new button has been added ???
I have removed this ugly button using extremal step: ITaskbarList::DeleteTab, but after minimizing main window the button was again visible.

Here is the snipped that demonstrates the floating listbox problem. I know, i can create extra window as parent for listbox, but any easier way?
import int SetParent(int hwndChid,int hwndParent);
import int SetWindowLongA(int hwnd,int index,int newlong);
import int GetDesktopWindow();
import int ClientToScreen(int hwnd,POINT *pt);
import int ScreenToClient(int hwnd,POINT *pt);
import int CoInitialize(int x);
import int CoUninitialize();
import int CoCreateInstance(GUID *cls,void *x,int ctl,GUID *iid,void *ppv);

#emit align 4
#emit $CLSID_TaskbarList dd 0x56FDF344, 0x11D0FD6D, 0x60008A95, 0x90A0C997
#emit $IID_ITaskbarList  dd 0x56FDF342, 0x11D0FD6D, 0x60008A95, 0x90A0C997
declare CLSID_TaskbarList();
declare IID_ITaskbarList();

#define LBS_DOCKED   0x50A00140 // WS_CHILD+
#define LBS_UNDOCKED 0x90A00140 // WS_POPUP+
#define GWL_STYLE    -16
#define IDC_DOCK     1000
#define IDC_TASKBAR  1001
#define IDC_LISTBOX  1002

interface ITaskbarList
declare virtual QueryInterface(GUID *iid,void *ppv);
declare virtual AddRef();
declare virtual Release();
declare virtual HrInit();
declare virtual AddTab(int hwnd);
declare virtual DeleteTab(int hwnd);

class CFloatingListbox : CDialog
CListbox *pLB;
declare Dock()
// set listbox parent to desktop
// and change style from child to popup
RECT rc = pLB->GetWindowRect();
int w = rc.right - rc.left;
int h = rc.bottom -;
ScreenToClient(m_hwnd, &rc); // update left and top

SetParent(pLB->m_hwnd, m_hwnd);
pLB->SetSize(rc.left,, w,h);
SetWindowLongA(pLB->m_hwnd, GWL_STYLE, LBS_DOCKED);
declare Undock()
RECT rc = pLB->GetWindowRect();
int w = rc.right - rc.left;
int h = rc.bottom -;
// ClientToScreen(m_hwnd, &rc); // update left and top

SetParent(pLB->m_hwnd, GetDesktopWindow());
pLB->SetSize(rc.left,, w,h);
SetWindowLongA(pLB->m_hwnd, GWL_STYLE, LBS_UNDOCKED);

declare virtual OnControl(int nID, int nNotifyCode, unsigned int hControl)
if (!nNotifyCode)
if (nID == IDC_DOCK)
if (GetControl(IDC_DOCK)->GetText() == "Undock")
else if (nID == IDC_TASKBAR)
ITaskbarList *itl;
if (!CoCreateInstance(&CLSID_TaskbarList,0,1,&IID_ITaskbarList,&itl))

// don't disable it: after minimizing the main window,
// the listbox adds its button to the taskbar again!
declare virtual OnInitDialog() {pLB = GetControl(IDC_LISTBOX);}

sub main()
CFloatingListbox d1;
d1.Create(0,0,300,202,0x80CA0880,0,"Floating listbox test",0);
d1.AddControl(CTBUTTON,"Remove from taskbar",159,14,116,47,0x58018000,0x0,IDC_TASKBAR);
d1.AddControl(CTSTATIC,"click Undock, then click Remove from taskbar.\nMinimize main window and look at the taskbar!",7,83,95,107,0x50000100,0x0,4);

The floating listbox I need for this property grid: (based on RaGrid control)

Ionic Wind Support Team

A window can still have a parent and be a tool window.  I would leave the parent as the program window and change the extended style to WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW.

That way you don't get a new button on the taskbar.  A popup window of the desktop would always get a taskbar button.


Ionic Wind Support Team


Toolwindow works like a charm, but with focus bug: the listbox will not accept any focus: SetFocus and any click on listbox holds the focus still on parent window ;D
I'll try other tricks.