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IWBasic runs in Windows 11!

Custom Window - release V2

Started by Andy, January 15, 2018, 07:11:54 AM

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January 15, 2018, 07:11:54 AM Last Edit: January 20, 2018, 05:10:09 AM by Andy

Please go here for the latest vesion:

Here is the second (beta) version of my custom window / custom menus.

The work here is based on menus and menu items.

As stated previously, I've split up all items (except menu titles) into sections (now six in all), and you can really do great things with this and it's flexible.

Each menu item is over layed with the following six controls:

1. An indent.
2. An icon if one is required.
3. A style, i.e. checkbox, radio button, or static (the default).
4. Your menu item text.
5. Your menu item shortcut text if required.
6. An end spacer.

Menu item text has two distinct text parts, the text for the description, and the text for (if you want one) a shortcut, both are now nicely aligned.

Also, I've got rid of a bottleneck which I recently spotted in version 1, the result is that this version (V2) now runs so much smoother and faster.

I have yet to document this, but this is going to bring menus alive for you, so I believe it's a must have.

If you like the menus, but just want a normal window with these menus then I think it will just be a quick amendment for you.

Ask any questions, please - think you'll all like this one.

As always copy:

Include files to your C:\IWBDev3\Include folder
Library file to your C:\IWBDev3\Libs folder

Please give some feedback!


Day after day, day after day, we struck nor breath nor motion, as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean.