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Aurora Compiler Help: Error

Started by kryton9, May 13, 2006, 01:18:17 PM

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I just got Aurora and am very excited. I started going through the Aurora Compiler Help and was looking to see where to post errors or things not matching what the help says to help with its development and correction.

1. When I installed and ran Aurora instead of starting me in the examples folder it started me out in another one, sorry forgot already which one as I easily browsed to the correct folder. But just wanted to mention that it doesn't match what the initial screen was saying.

2. My First Aurora Program: I copied and pasted the first_one.src and it gave an error during the build. I noticed that ; were missing in the first 2 lines and that seemed to fix it.

On another note, do I need to download the other help files listed in the Tutorials and Documentation section or are they already in the latest bought version of Aurora?


under the Using the IDE's Editor in the Keystroke Combinations.

Ctrl+x doesn't indent the text as mentioned, or at least I couldn't get it to do it on mine :)


Ctrl+X is the "cut" shortcut, like most editors. Wow, I guess the help really needs some editing. I hadn't noticed that before.

You can use Tab to indent text, and Shift+Tab to unindent, as long as that text is selected.

All the missing semicolons I meant to report a long time ago :-[
^ Larry, for the next help release ;) ^


I believe you might be talking about the part that John was/is working on.

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


I wasn't sure who is working on what parts. Thanks.


July 19, 2006, 05:45:12 PM #5 Last Edit: July 19, 2006, 06:25:57 PM by kryton9
Ok Caught what was going on... it is signed unless you use the UNSIGNED keyword, so all this below is useless, sorry :)

I am going through the Tutorials and help again. In the part about variables. It says:
Byte can store a single character or integer 0 -255 unsigned. I was playing with and it works till 127.
Anything above 127 you get wierd results.

My first program I guess in Aurora where I didn't just modify something :)
global sub main()
byte b;
for(b=0; b<256;b++)
print(b," ",);
while getkey() ="";// gives you time to see what is happening. I just hold it down till I am done.
// you need to just close the window to end it

Signed it went to -128

global sub main()
byte b;
for(b=0; b>-256;b--)
print(b," ",);
while getkey() ="";// gives you time to see what is happening. I just hold it down till I am done.
// you need to just close the window to end it

Ok. I also did a similar check on WORD and that too is different. The range on that was from -32768 to 32767 as BYte was -128 to 127
I am running this in Windows in XP Media Edition.


July 20, 2006, 02:37:31 PM #6 Last Edit: July 20, 2006, 02:44:25 PM by kryton9
Studying in detail and going through the tutorials and help again. I am at the section about calling conventions and am at the CDECL example. It uses sprintf. I bought the source code files and went through those and the files in the aurora folder... I can't seem to find where it is finding sprintf. It says in the standard c library, but couldn't find it or what else would be in there.

I guess I am starting to wade into the deep end of the pool now, nice to know there are plenty of lifeguards out there :)

Ionic Wind Support Team

sprintf exists in a Microsoft DLL called crtdll.dll which is the C runtime.

So you won't find the source for it if that is what your looking for. 

Ionic Wind Support Team


Well that explains it. Not interested in the source just where to know where to find it and all the other mysteries in Aurora for me right now :)


I am not sure how the help files are done, but till they are written and to help...

In trying to do things, I am finding things that I could put in there, be it an example, or some more info than is there.
I am sure others are doing the same.

I bet in a about a week or so the help stuff could be filled with examples, if nothing else by all the good users on this site.

Why not have something where users can take that base help system info and just add to it.

For instance tonight I found going back through the code that really helps understand what using() does, compared to what is in the help.

I am not bashing anyone, just wanting to offer help to all of us and to help assist in this monumental task of documenting Aurora, even as it morphs and grows.
Better to have as much as we can get without keeping the developers putting time they could put into develoment or cool examples than answering the same questions over and over again.
Those questions are asked, because to someone going through the forums, you see posts from the very start of Aurora to current posts and it is very confusing to sort out what is current, applicable etc.

Where as an ongoing help system with even just examples snippets that apply to that item, would be so beneficial, probably more so than any detailed explanation.

Then the editors and final writers can take their time, but current and future users would have easily found help that is dynamic.

Here is what is in the help, nothing wrong with it, but if I didn't run across this example snippet, no way I would have known what it was :)
USING(STRING format, ...);
  Independent Function

  The description goes here

Passed value(s):
format    Description goes here
...    Description goes here

Returned value(s):


example code goes here

Additional Info:
  Any remarks go here

See Also:

Here is code snippet that I could have put in tonight to help future users and even myself as I will forget about it, but come back over and over again and it will be in one place.

localtext = USING("& X:%f###.## Y:%f###.## Z:%f###.##","Planet Local Coordinates ",vLocal.x,vLocal.y,vLocal.z); // takes float values and formats them for output in the string localtext
s.RenderText(0,10,localtext,RGBA(100,100,255,255)); // without using 'using', the values converted using NumToStr would only give int values and not a float.

Then other users who look up 'using' and/or have maybe another way to use it, could post their example. I guess it would be like a wiki help sytem of some sort.
I think mysql and php have something where it is like that. Then users comment and can make additional posts at the bottom.  But when you search for that keyword, all the stuff for it is one place and you just scroll on the same page.

My 2 cents for tonight. I am sure this was probably gone over, but I wanted to bring it up as I think it will help Aurora, the community and future users and help this new language take off and give time to the developers to do what they can better spend their time on.

Ionic Wind Support Team

Have patience.  I have documentation for all of the intinsic functions already.  Just need to cut and paste them.

The USING function works identically to the IBasic version. 

There is already a tips and tricks section of the forums too.
Ionic Wind Support Team