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IonicWind Snippit Manager 2.xx Released!  Install it on a memory stick and take it with you!  With or without IWBasic!


Started by REDEBOLT, February 25, 2007, 04:37:41 PM

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February 25, 2007, 04:37:41 PM Last Edit: February 25, 2007, 04:40:18 PM by REDEBOLT
I understand the use of INKEY$(1) returns the virtual key codes.  However, I am puzzled as to how lower case letters and special characters are detected.  E.g., a lower case letter pressed is read as an upper case letter.  Obviously, I cannot use both INKEY$(1) and INKEY$ at the same time.

Ionic Wind Support Team

Us GetKeyState to check for special keys.
Ionic Wind Support Team


I constructed a program to detect the virtual keys with getkeystate.
It works fine, but it will not detect upper/lower case letters.
See line 30.  How can I detect these keys?
$include ""
string mykey
locate 1,1
print "GETKEYSTATE demonstration. ",
print "Press <ESC> to end program"
print "Press any other keys to display them"
locate 4,1

  do:until inkey$(1)<>""
  mykey = readkey()
  print mykey
'  inkey$()
until getkeystate(VK_ESCAPE)

sub readkey(),string
if getkeystate(VK_PRIOR) then return "PgUp"
if getkeystate(VK_NEXT) then return "PgDn"
if getkeystate(VK_END) then return "End"
if getkeystate(VK_HOME) then return "Home"
if getkeystate(VK_INSERT) then return "Insert"
if getkeystate(VK_DELETE) then return "Delete"
if getkeystate(VK_LEFT) then return chr$(27)
if getkeystate(VK_UP) then return chr$(24)
if getkeystate(VK_RIGHT) then return chr$(26)
if getkeystate(VK_DOWN) then return chr$(25)
return inkey$()
end sub



see if this will help a little:
def a,b:string
$include "" 
print: print "Press any key to continue, q to quit."   
    a = INKEY$(1):REM return virtual key codes
   until (a <> "") 
   b = a 
   if a = CHR$(0x09) then b = "Tab"
   if a = CHR$(VK_LEFT) then b = "LeftArrow"
    if a = CHR$(VK_UP) then b = "UpArrow"
    if a = CHR$(VK_RIGHT) then b = "RightArrow"
    if a = CHR$(VK_DOWN) then b = "DownArrow"
if a = CHR$(VK_PRIOR) then b = "PgUp"
if a = CHR$(VK_NEXT) then b = "PgDn"
if a = CHR$(VK_END) then b = "End"
if a = CHR$(VK_HOME) then b = "Home"
if a = CHR$(VK_INSERT) then b= "Insert"
if a = CHR$(VK_DELETE) then b = "Delete"
if a = CHR$(0x70) THEN b = "F1"
if a = CHR$(0x71) THEN b = "F2"
if a = CHR$(0x72) THEN b = "F3"
if a = CHR$(0x73) THEN b = "F4"
if a = CHR$(0x74) THEN b = "F5"
if a = CHR$(0x75) THEN b = "F6"
if a = CHR$(0x76) THEN b = "F7"
if a = CHR$(0x77) THEN b = "F8"
if a = CHR$(0x78) THEN b = "F9"
if a = CHR$(0x79) THEN b = "F10"
if a = CHR$(0x7A) THEN b = "F11"
if a = CHR$(0x7B) THEN b = "F12"

    if a = CHR$(0x51) then b = "q"
    locate 4,2
   print "Key: ",b+"  ",
  until b="q"
  print "Press Enter to quit:", : 'still shows q 
input  b   
Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


How may I obtain the handle to the console window?


The short answer is that you don't. You're not really supposed to manipulate the console that way.

The long answer is that you use SetConsoleTitle and FindWindow to get the handle using a unique window title. I know Aurora has a built in SetConsoleTitle function, though I'm not sure about EBASIC. It's in the windows API though (MSDN Online Reference). Once you have set a unique title, you search for that window. FindWindow will give you a handle, which will be the handle to your console window.



might have those backwards.