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IWBasic runs in Windows 11!

DLL api scanner

Started by sapero, September 17, 2007, 07:01:27 AM

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September 17, 2007, 07:01:27 AM Last Edit: June 13, 2011, 01:22:32 AM by sapero
This tool will scan given folder for executable images that exports specified api. It supports wildcards in api and file name.
Has implemented search history - 20 recent strings are saved, in same way as does Total commander.
Uses also shell context menu to be more user friendly.

It is pretty usefull for me, if I do a C header conversion and need to find what lib is required. I've started yesterday with this proggy.

Example settings:
API to find = Load*
Search path = c:\windows
FileName filter = *.acm;*.ax;*.cpl;*.des;*.dll;*.drv;*.ds;*.exe;*.ime;*.ocx;*.plw;*.scr;*.sys;*.xvd;*.wcx
Case sensitive = false
Whole word = false
Search tree = true

Semicolon in the FileName filter box is reserved - it is used as an terminator for tokens.

Added option to search for partial string if the main search found nothing. "LoadLibrary" will find "LoadLibraryA/W/ExA/ExW" in kernel32.dll.
Added exceptions handling to ScanExportDir, to propertly handle compressed PE without executing any additional code.

Note: the scanner is loading PE images in protected mode (LoadLibraryEx with the DONT_RESOLVE_DLL_REFERENCES flag), so the DllMain entry-point will be not called. The PE image is loaded as raw data, without permissions to execute any code. This increases application security and stability.

degraded requirements to win98se with IE6
removed 50% of combobox flickering
added hot-filter in api list (double click any found dll)