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Drag-drop in report list view

Started by sapero, March 12, 2007, 06:10:34 AM

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March 12, 2007, 06:10:34 AM Last Edit: March 12, 2007, 06:14:09 AM by sapero
This is an example for custom implemented drag-drop for list view in report view. It implements custom drawn insertion mark, and allows auto scrolling the list view.
Currently only one item can be dragged.
The main class must detect beginning of drag-drop operation and notify the drag-class helper.
While the dragging is active, we call the helper to move the image and insertion mark in response to mouse events (mouse move + left button up)
m_lv1 = GetControl(IDC_LV1);
m_lv1->InsertColumn(0, "Window name",0,300);
m_lv1->InsertColumn(1, "Process",0,200);

// fill list view with some data
EnumWindows(&EnumWindowsProc, m_lv1);

CDlg::OnNotify(int code, int nID, NMHDR *pnmhdr), int
switch (nID)
case IDC_LV1:

if (code == LVN_BEGINDRAG)
// call CReportListviewDragHelper::StartDrag to start dragging
m_drag.StartDrag(this, m_lv1, pnmhdr);
else if (code == LVN_ENDDRAG) // custom notification
int newPos = m_drag.MoveItem(*(LVENDDRAG)pnmhdr.nItemFrom, *(LVENDDRAG)pnmhdr.nItemTo, 1);

CDlg::OnMouseMove(int x, int y, int flags)

CDlg::OnLButtonUp(int x, int y, int flags)

The helper class uses a trick to draw the insertin mark. It makes first a backup of a portion of list view bitmap where the insertion mark will be drawn, then it draws the mark. While doing this, the dragged image is hidden. If the listview needs to scroll, we use the WM_VSCROLL instead one of the control specific messages, to be sure the listview is correctly repainted:
CReportListviewDragHelper::StartDrag(CWindow *parent, CListView *listview, NMLISTVIEW *nmlv)
m_parent        = parent;
m_lv1           = listview;
m_hwndLock      = GetDesktopWindow();
m_InsertMarkItem = -1;
m_DragItemIndex = nmlv->iItem;
m_ItemCount     = SendMessage(m_lv1->m_hwnd, LVM_GETITEMCOUNT, 0, 0);
m_himl          = SendMessage(m_lv1->m_hwnd, LVM_CREATEDRAGIMAGE, m_DragItemIndex, &pt);
pt.x            = nmlv->ptAction.x;
pt.y            = nmlv->ptAction.y;

ImageList_BeginDrag(m_himl, 0, 0, 0);
ClientToScreen(m_lv1->m_hwnd, &pt);

RECT rc;
rc.left = LVIR_BOUNDS;

SendMessage(m_lv1->m_hwnd, LVM_GETITEMRECT, m_DragItemIndex, &rc);
ClientToScreen(m_lv1->m_hwnd, &rc);

m_ptCursorOffset.x = pt.x - rc.left;
m_ptCursorOffset.y = pt.y - rc.top;

ImageList_DragEnter(m_hwndLock, m_ptPos.x - m_ptCursorOffset.x, m_ptPos.y - m_ptCursorOffset.y);

// change the cursor:
if (m_cursor) SetCursor(m_cursor);

// create offscreen bitmap for insertion mark
GetClientRect(m_lv1->m_hwnd, &rc);
m_InsertMarkWidth = rc.right;
HDC dc = GetDC(m_lv1->m_hwnd);
m_dcCache = CreateCompatibleDC(dc);
m_bmCache = SelectObject(m_dcCache, CreateCompatibleBitmap(dc, m_InsertMarkWidth, 6));
ReleaseDC(m_lv1->m_hwnd, dc);

// ends the drag-drop operation

if (m_himl)
m_himl = 0;

// force OnNotify event
d.hdr.hwndFrom = m_lv1->m_hwnd;
d.hdr.idFrom   = GetWindowLong(m_lv1->m_hwnd, GWL_ID);
d.hdr.code     = LVN_ENDDRAG;
d.nItemFrom    = m_DragItemIndex;
d.nItemTo      = m_InsertMarkItem;
SetInsertMark(-1, false, false);
SendMessage(m_parent->m_hwnd, WM_NOTIFY, d.hdr.idFrom, &d);

DeleteObject(SelectObject(m_dcCache, m_bmCache));


CReportListviewDragHelper::OnMouseMove(word x,word y)
int item = -1;
if (m_himl)
pt.x = m_ptPos.x;
pt.y = m_ptPos.y;
ImageList_DragMove(m_ptPos.x - m_ptCursorOffset.x, m_ptPos.y - m_ptCursorOffset.y);

ScreenToClient(m_lv1->m_hwnd, pt);
ht.pt.x = pt.x;
ht.pt.y = pt.y;
SendMessage(m_lv1->m_hwnd, LVM_HITTEST, 0, &ht);
if (ht.flags == LVHT_ABOVE)
// scroll down
int topindex = SendMessage(m_lv1->m_hwnd, LVM_GETTOPINDEX, 0, 0);
if (topindex)
// hide drag-image
SetInsertMark(-1, false, false);
// scroll listview
SendMessage(m_lv1->m_hwnd, WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEUP, 0);
// show drag-image
else if (ht.flags == LVHT_BELOW)
// scroll up
int lastitem = SendMessage(m_lv1->m_hwnd, LVM_GETTOPINDEX, 0, 0)
             + SendMessage(m_lv1->m_hwnd, LVM_GETCOUNTPERPAGE, 0, 0);

if (lastitem <= m_ItemCount)
// hide drag-image
SetInsertMark(-1, false, false);
// scroll listview
SendMessage(m_lv1->m_hwnd, WM_VSCROLL, SB_LINEDOWN, 0);
// show drag-image
else if ((ht.flags == LVHT_TOLEFT) || (ht.flags == LVHT_TORIGHT))
// scroll to left/right ?
item = ht.iItem;
else // under the last item
RECT rc;
rc.left = LVIR_BOUNDS;
rc.top  = 2;
SendMessage(m_lv1->m_hwnd, LVM_GETSUBITEMRECT, m_ItemCount-1, &rc);
if ((y > rc.bottom) && (x < rc.right))
item = m_ItemCount-1;
if (item != -1)
RECT rcLv;
GetWindowRect(m_lv1->m_hwnd, &rcLv);
ScreenToClient(m_parent->m_hwnd, &rcLv);
// check if the mouse is before, over or after listview itema
rc.left = LVIR_BOUNDS;
rc.top  = 2;
SendMessage(m_lv1->m_hwnd, LVM_GETSUBITEMRECT, item, &rc);
y -= rcLv.top;
int pos = rc.top + ((rc.bottom - rc.top - 1) >> 1) + 1;
SetInsertMark(item, y > pos, true);


CReportListviewDragHelper::SetInsertMark(int item, BOOL After, BOOL hideImage)
int newitem = item + (After != false);

if (newitem != m_InsertMarkItem)
// hide drag-image
if (hideImage) ImageList_DragShowNolock(false);

if (m_InsertMarkItem != -1)
// remove previous selection mark
HDC dc = GetDC(m_lv1->m_hwnd);
BitBlt(dc, 0, m_InsertMarkY, m_InsertMarkWidth, 6, m_dcCache, 0,0, SRCCOPY);
ReleaseDC(m_lv1->m_hwnd, dc);
m_InsertMarkItem = -1;
if (item != -1)
m_InsertMarkItem = newitem;
m_InsertAfter    = (After != false);
// item position in listview coordinates
RECT rc;
rc.left = LVIR_BOUNDS;
SendMessage(m_lv1->m_hwnd, LVM_GETITEMRECT, item, &rc);

// default: over iteme
m_InsertMarkY = rc.top - 3;
// or under
if (After) m_InsertMarkY = rc.bottom - 3;

dc = GetDC(m_lv1->m_hwnd);
HPEN pen = SelectObject(dc, CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, rgb(1,2,91)));
BitBlt(m_dcCache, 0, 0, m_InsertMarkWidth, 6, dc, 0, m_InsertMarkY,SRCCOPY);
// line 1
MoveToEx(dc, 0, m_InsertMarkY+2, null);
LineTo(dc, m_InsertMarkWidth, m_InsertMarkY+2);
// line 2
MoveToEx(dc, 0, m_InsertMarkY+3, null);
LineTo(dc, m_InsertMarkWidth, m_InsertMarkY+3);
// triangle left
MoveToEx(dc, 0, m_InsertMarkY, null);
LineTo(dc, 0, m_InsertMarkY+6);
MoveToEx(dc, 1, m_InsertMarkY+1, null);
LineTo(dc, 1, m_InsertMarkY+5);
// triangle right
MoveToEx(dc, m_InsertMarkWidth-1, m_InsertMarkY, null);
LineTo(dc, m_InsertMarkWidth-1, m_InsertMarkY+6);
MoveToEx(dc, m_InsertMarkWidth-2, m_InsertMarkY+1, null);
LineTo(dc, m_InsertMarkWidth-2, m_InsertMarkY+5);

DeleteObject(SelectObject(dc, pen));
ReleaseDC(m_lv1->m_hwnd, dc);
// show drag-image
if (hideImage) ImageList_DragShowNolock(true);



Another great example !!
i was struggling trying to do this ;)


Hi Sapero,
Why are you including a lib file in the project and what's in it?
first time i see someone doing this, so i want to understand ;)