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How do you set up a project?

Started by Rock Ridge Farm (Larry), February 07, 2006, 09:09:36 AM

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Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

I have a program, a database, and one .bmp file.
If I just compile and execute all works OK.
Once I tried to put it in a project it no longer compiles and executes.
It tells me 'Error compiling resource".

Ionic Wind Support Team

Add the resource to your project and make sure to give it a proper ID
Ionic Wind Support Team

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

The bitmap shows up in the project.
Can you expand on your post - talk slow - I am old.

Ionic Wind Support Team

The resource compiler is giving that error.  Not very explicit is it ;)

Open the resource file (projectname.rc) with a text editor and post it here.
Ionic Wind Support Team

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Only one line in the file:
chart BITMAP "C:\\aurora\\stocktrak\\chart.bmp"

Ionic Wind Support Team

Make sure the path is right.  Try using a numeric ID instead of an alpha one.

Ionic Wind Support Team

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Did all that. I even deleted the project and resource. I deleted all files except the
.src and the .bmp. I created a new project and added the bmp to the resource.
Still errors out. I even went back and took the skeleton example and built it.
It worked but mine fails. It has got to be something simple I am missing but
so far I can not find it.


I just can't resist:
QuoteCan you expand on your post - talk slow - I am old.
Very funny :D
I know the feeling. That is how I feel when digging into Aurora.
But it is fun!!


Ionic Wind Support Team

Could be a problem with the resource compiler.  Try adding another resource (so you have two).  If so I'll see if he has an updated version.
Ionic Wind Support Team

Ionic Wind Support Team

Also try loading that bitmap into MS Paint and resaving it.  It occured to me that an invalid bitmap header could cause the resource compiler to complain.
Ionic Wind Support Team

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

It was the bit map - I replaced it with another and it worked.
That was fun.

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Based on your last suggestion - I loaded the questionable bitmap with paint and
saved it. It still does not work.
I used another bitmap file and it worked.
I renamed chart.bmp to duh.bmp - still did not work.
So it is definately the .bmp file itself.
Could this be a case for a new compiler error?

Ionic Wind Support Team

A resource compiler error perhaps.  Might be a limitation on size.

The resource compiler is written by Jeremey Gordon. 


Download his latest version and put it in your 'bin' directory to see if that helps.

Ionic Wind Support Team