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Own IWBasic 2.x ? -----> Get your free upgrade to 3.x now.........

Need info for purchase...

Started by DevilDog, September 25, 2006, 10:49:55 AM

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Ok Paul,
Help me out.

I'm considering buying Aurora because of the C++-like syntax and the fact that from what I read, it's a simpler language to learn.

I've been trying to crack the C++ language for quite some time and this might be a good way to wrap my head around some of the topics in C++ that have caused me in the past to move on.

What kind of run-time do I have to include with my Aurora applications?
What's the size and speed comparisons to C++?
What are your cross-platform plans?

The price for aurora is very reasonable, but what future upgrades do I get when I purchase it?ÂÃ, 

Will I have to repurchase it every time a new version comes out?ÂÃ, 


Ionic Wind Support Team

#1 You don't need any runtimes unless you use the 3D library.  In which case there is a single DLL to redistribute.

#2 I haven't really compared the size/speed to anything.  The executables start out at around 10K and Aurora is a true compiler, which means it creates assembly code and then an executable.  So the speed should be comparible to any other true compiler.

#3 Linux and possibly Mac are the cross platform plans.  The Linux version has already been started.

For the price you get all bug fixes and revisions up to the next major point release.  Meaning there will be a small charge for the 2.0, 3.0, etc versions.  But no charge for 1.1, 1.2, etc.

Ionic Wind Support Team


Ionic Wind Support Team

I like Macs, just a bit pricey so never owned a new one ;)

Ionic Wind Support Team



Good to hear.

I'll probably be buying it on Wednesday.

As for learning C++.ÂÃ,  I've read some of the posts you've made trying to explain some concepts (either C++ or Aurora, not sure) and you have a real talent at explaining things.

I know you are up to your eyeballs in development work.ÂÃ,  But when ever you need a break from that from time to time,ÂÃ,  I would highly encourage you to keep documenting these advanced (at least to some of us) topics.

There are probably many lurkers out there who are intruiged by Aurora who are simply kept back by the lack of knowledge, knowledge that you pass on in these postings.ÂÃ, 

I for one want to learn as much as possible so that I can get a better handle on C++ and there is amazingly not a really well done book that takes someone with a general programming knowledge, even OOP, and explains how things are done in C++ (pointers, structures, interfaces, etc.).ÂÃ, 

If that kind of information is made easy to understand by people who do not have a C++ background, you're user base will grow exponentially.ÂÃ, 

We should set up a page where we can collect all of your postings where you explain these things.ÂÃ,Â