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Evens Roulette

Started by GWS, February 26, 2014, 08:50:55 PM

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February 26, 2014, 08:50:55 PM Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 11:25:56 PM by GWS
Hi folks,

Here's a fun game where you can pit your betting strategy against chance. ;D
It's aimed at just the even bets in Roulette - Red/Black, Odd/Even, or High/Low.

I made it as a test bed for trying out various betting strategies, in an attempt to ruin William Hill ..  ::)

But it turned out as a colourful game to try to beat the odds.
You have one advantage - you don't have to bet on every spin - pick a good opportunity. :)

Although he results are purely random, there do seem to be certain patterns which occur.

For instance, there's what I call the 'Shuttle' effect - where you get alternating results for a while, like R,B,R,B,R,B ..etc.  If you can lock into a shuttle when it occurs, you can win several times before it stops.

Then there's the 'Run' sequence, such as R,R,R,R,R,R.  If you wait for such a 'run', and at some point bet on the opposite, you can sometimes win.  Of course you might be wrong .. so what do you do?
You can double up for your next bet - if that wins you're ahead.  If it loses, you are 3 units down.
It's risky to double up again (Martingale) - you could lose a lot - better to accept it as a losing sequence, and start a new bet.

Whatever, I think it turned out to be a pretty program, and fun to play with. ;D

Best wishes, :)

Tomorrow may be too late ..


March 01, 2014, 11:18:20 PM #1 Last Edit: March 01, 2014, 11:32:37 PM by GWS

After playing with this for a while, I've made a few layout changes.

The Exit button was all too easy to click instead of the spin button - and you lost your winnings .. ::)
So I've replaced it with a Game reset button, which sets everything back to square one if your bets go horribly wrong. :P

You can now use ESC, Q or the system Exit icon to leave the program.

I've added a text box to say when to Place your bets, or No more bets please ..  8)

I've used Billhsln's random number generator.  It's rather more complex than usual, but in tests, it gives a more uniform spread of random numbers than just a simple RND function.  However, it does tend to generate rather longer runs of the same kind - maybe 8 or 9 Reds in a row for instance.

This more or less replicates the kind of runs commercial on-line roulette companies use to get your money.
So a betting strategy to deal with longish runs is a good idea. :)

It seems quite a good game now .. the updated version is above.

All the best, :)

Tomorrow may be too late ..


Just in case anyone feels brave enough to risk real money on an actual roulette wheel,
here's a version where you enter the numbers as they occur, and they are displayed in
the same way as the game version.

So the visualisation of the results is the same.

I've not included the bankroll feature, the bets, or the chip value selection, since these will be known for the game you're playing - they are displayed on-screen at all on-line casinos.

Of course, it only works for one table at a time  ;D

All the best, :)

Tomorrow may be too late ..