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GEt user input from edit box on combo box

Started by Jerry Muelver, February 13, 2008, 07:00:16 AM

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Jerry Muelver

I've got a combo box on a window. I want to let the user type into the editbox of the combo box, then I capture the edited text and use it for ADDSTRING and other mysteries. What message from the combobox will tell me that user has changed the selection and pressed ENTER? I can use CBNEDITCHANGE, but that gives me each keystroke. Add 'em all up, and quit on CRLF?

Jerry Muelver

Well, I can tell the user to put a dot at the end of the entry, then use

if right$(seltext,1) = "." then....

Seems kind of lame, though.  ENTER ought to do the job, somehow. Use a dialog, instead of a window, then TAB out to send the entry?


I've not tried it, but does SETCONTROLNOTIFY do the job ?

Graham :)
Tomorrow may be too late ..

Jerry Muelver

Can't make it work, yet, Graham. I'll try some more.

BTW I can use "." to check for submitted string, but "/" or "=" won't work. What gets filtered in a combobox editbox?


Hi Jerry,

What if you use a default button, make it invisible, and trigger the enter key in the editbox

I've put up a sample on http://www.ionicwind.com/forums/index.php/topic,1652.0.html

Hope it helps a bit..  ;)

Gertjan  :)

Jerry Muelver

Thanks, Gertjan. I've gone with a pop-up dialog for the user input, instead of trying to teach each user how to edit a combobox. It's a simple program, so I have to keep the interactions simple, too.  ;)