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Info Only Update - 02-27-2014

Started by LarryMc, February 27, 2014, 12:39:26 AM

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I've spent the last few hours tracking down a bug in the font portion of the grid title.
Finally found the flaw.
The flaw itself is not the important aspect here.
What IS important is that it showed the importance of the steps I take in trying to write a help file.

I write down general thoughts to get some sort of structure.
That effort is based upon what my best memory of what I had in mind when I wrote the code.
But my mind is getting worse. ::)
So, I have a test program I use.
As I go through each portion of the help file I modify my test program to prove what I wrote is factual.
If there is a mismatch I correct my text to be as accurate as I can get it.
If in doing so I determine that my code is not doing what I want it to do I flag it as a bug and fix it.

Usually, by the time I write a help file I don't have a whole lot of bugs so it makes it all boring.
But when it causes me to find a bug and fix it before the world finds it then that is always a plus.

And the reason I wait until I feel my code in pretty solid before I start writing help files is because I don't want to be constantly editing and re-editing.  I prefer to write it once and be through with it.

For those that may be interested the pdf version of the help file currently contains 81 pages; but I've got a fair ways to go.  I'm guessing it may be closer to 150 pages when I'm through.

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library