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Links to components??

Started by Noble, June 29, 2007, 01:10:28 PM

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Is there any links or posts that you can refer me to that contains components, etc... for EBASIC?

Thanks in advance,

Ionic Wind Support Team

Ionic Wind Support Team

Brice Manuel

Components were only in the long dead IB Standard, they never even made it into IB Pro.  With EB, you can create libs which should give you the same "general" functionality as components.


Bad choice in wording. Sorry.

I am looking for 3rd party controls, libs, etc. that can be used with EB. I am just curious what other developers are using. (Ex. SD Datagrid, DDoc, etc.)



Quote from: Noble on June 29, 2007, 07:16:00 PM
Bad choice in wording. Sorry.

I am looking for 3rd party controls, libs, etc. that can be used with EB. I am just curious what other developers are using. (Ex. SD Datagrid, DDoc, etc.)


Dennis McKinney stopped by Coding Monkeys a while ago and helped port commands for SD Datagrid to ibasic:


I just checked and the download link still works:

There are ddoc messages on this forum that ought to help with that. Just do a search.

(Nice seeing you here, Noble.)


Mike Stefanik

I converted the SocketTools function declarations and examples for IBasic to the current version of EB. They're Internet related libraries for doing things like transferring files, sending emails, etc.


I've actually had a few folks ask for this over the past few months, I had just been busy with other things and the IBasic declarations were all geared towards older versions of SocketTools.

Mike Stefanik
Catalyst Development Corporation


Hi Mike!
It seems that you forgot to had these 2 include files in the package:

- CSERROR5.inc
- CSRTKEY5.inc


Peter B.

Mike Stefanik

They're in there, the three .inc files are in the Include folder. All three need to be copied to the Include folder where you installed EBasic. Also make sure you copy the import libraries into the Libs folder.

Mike Stefanik
Catalyst Development Corporation


I think that i copied the files to the include folder too quicly 
That's why i did not see them. :D

Peter B.