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Own IWBasic 2.x ? -----> Get your free upgrade to 3.x now.........

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Started by Ionic Wind Support Team, November 26, 2006, 01:16:21 PM

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Quote from: gianni on November 28, 2006, 07:39:39 AM
IBasic and Ebasic are the same product

No they are not. IBasic is dead! EBasic is a different entity altogether. It just so happens to compile some of IBasic's source code.


Quote from: gianni on November 28, 2006, 07:39:39 AM
IBasic and Ebasic are the same product

Just because Ebasic is compatible with Ibasic code, doesn't make it the same product.
If it were, then you wouldn't want Ebasic.....

Ionic Wind Support Team

Emergance BASIC is a supported product.  Which means it will have updates, and users, and an actual place to ask questions.  I made it nearly source code compatible for convenience. 

IBasic is a dead product with no website, no apparent owner, and will probably never be updated again.  But you are free to continue using it of course.

Ionic Wind Support Team


I think you'll find it's a surface similarity only for compatibility reasons .. :)

The inner workings and IDE are different, as is the parser. ÂÃ, Many commands have been rewritten .. icons, graphics and file extensions are new .. there is a new installation program .. some Aurora features have already been incorporated, and since this is only the first edition, many more differences will become apparent.

I think you will find that over coming months, Emergence will evolve into a very unique language .. :)

The similarity is only skin deep.

all the best, :)

Tomorrow may be too late ..


is it possible to download a  demo-version  of ebasic?


Quote from: obelisk on November 28, 2006, 07:49:27 AM

If it were, then you wouldn't want Ebasic.....

I would like Ebasic for support and new versions!



you have killed it !

You gotta be kidding!

Ionic Wind Support Team

No.  Tom killed it by abandoning both the user base and the website.  Even when IBasic users sent the authorities to his door he pretended not to know anything about it.

Now it is a year and a half later, and you have Emergence if you want it.  If not then that is OK too, no one is twisting your arm.

Enough said.   ::)

Ionic Wind Support Team



As a current owner of the IBasic software line (as well as several other BASIC based development environments  ;) ) I was wondering if you could outline some of the advantages/enhancements that EBasic will give over IBasic Pro. The obvious big one is that you are behind the product to support the users which is worth the low cost of ownership by itself but it would be helpful to me (and probably others) if you could give insight into the technical & planned product enhancement differences.

I'm thinking of things along the line of library add-ons (3D for example & apparently planned at no additional cost), better COM access (as I recall IB Pro had vtable issues), interoperability with Aurora, free all-incusive upgrades for life, etc.



you have killed it !

lmao! Paul created it, Why would he kill it? Like he has said. IBasic is dead through no failt of his own. Perhaps if Paul knew what was going to happen to it, he wouldnt of sold it to Tom... Infact i know he wouldnt because he pulled out of selling it to someone before he sold it to Tom because he didnt think they had the skills required to maintain it, maybe that would of been the better choice afterall but hey, the damage is done and thats that.

Take it or leave it, but don't insult people!



Mark. Don't quote me but from previous experience with Paul I would say that all minor upgrades are free, however major version changes such as milestones like 2.0, 3.0 etc etc will require an upgrade fee, This is how i believe it is to be with Aurora, so I am assuming it will be the same for Emergence, but like I said don't quote me :P


Ionic Wind Support Team

There are a lot of upcoming features in both languages. 

Emergence will have everything included at no extra cost.  Only because even though the 'pak' idea was unique to Pro, it caused problems in sharing of code between users.  Many things from the Aurora parser will be included with Emergence.  Aurora has native unicode support, enumerations, and unions.  Something Emergence needs and will get by the next update in all likelyhood.  I am almost done with a lexer for scintilla, which will also be in the next update.  Almost had it in the initial release but there were some glaring problems with it.

The 3D engine of Aurora will be shared with Emergence.  Why write two engines?.   

I've also warned about using undocumented function calls that may have worked in Pro.  Only because those calls will change very soon.  A necessity to make both Aurora and Emergence binary compatible.  Which will allow sharing static libraries between the two. 

Aurora handles COM better than Emergence, because it is an object based language.


Ionic Wind Support Team

Brice Manuel

QuoteYou gotta be kidding!
You think thats bad, try reading this thread, Paul is nothing short of the antichrist according to these knuckleheads, I think they were blaming global warming on Paul, too. ;D

QuoteTake it or leave it, but don't insult people
I agree.  For those considering EBASIC, consider this.  EBASIC is only a couple of days old and already blows away the competition when it comes to stability.  We won't get into features, as all the features in EBASIC actually work.


lol Whoever that is that did the whole breakdown of the IDE's, man that made me laugh. They are using PowerBasic, if they are so wraped up in that language, why is that person making such an effort to work all that out? It really does amaze me the mentality of some people in this world.

What a discussion that is. By the way Kuron, I thought your defensive was very good ;)


Brice Manuel

EBASIC question for Paul.ÂÃ,  Is there any chance you and Mike Hart could work something out so that the new commands Mike implemented into the DD7 IBP sprite lib could be integrated into the EBASIC DD7 sprite lib?


November 28, 2006, 01:13:20 PM #41 Last Edit: November 28, 2006, 01:15:01 PM by Vikki
Quote from: Kuron on November 28, 2006, 11:32:17 AM
...try reading this thread

Good grief already!!! Why is it when someone is successful that others have to try to drag them down instead of congratulating them and being happy for their success.

Paul Squires

Quote from: Zen on November 28, 2006, 12:09:51 PM
....... They are using PowerBasic, if they are so wraped up in that language........
Just a correction: PureBasic, not PowerBASIC.

Paul Squires
FireFly Visual Designer, SQLitening Database System, JellyFish Pro Editor

Paul Squires

Oh, and congratulations Paul! I was very disappointed when Tom left IBasic users in the cold. I expected more from him than he delivered. Someday, I may even get off my lazy arse and learn Aurora. I look at my copy of Aurora every few days but I never take the plunge to really get "into it".  ;)

Paul Squires
FireFly Visual Designer, SQLitening Database System, JellyFish Pro Editor

Brice Manuel

QuoteGood grief already!!! Why is it when someone is successful that others have to try to drag them down instead of congratulating them and being happy for their success.
Those who can, do. ÂÃ, Those who can't criticize those who can. :-\

Steven Picard

Quote from: Garrett on November 28, 2006, 01:33:18 PM
[Shameless Plug for PureBasic and Fred On]PureBasic Rocks and Fred Rocks[Shameless Plug Off]

Ok, there, we got some PB and Fred plugging on these forums too.  Besides, they're two totally different breeds of
basic.  I use PureBasic also, but I also use BlitzMax and Liberty Basic.  Hey, whatever fits the needs of the task at
hand (or, whatever mood I'm in at the time).

If there's any issues with code between eBasic and iBasic, then let Tom and Paul worry about that.  I personally don't
care and I feel that the iBasic users at least have some salvation out of this horrible ordeal that they've been put
through because Tom dropped the ball, not Paul.

Personally, I'd love to see Tom come out in the open to challenge such a thing, only to watch him get pounced on
by hundreds of angry iBasic users, and especially those who have legal issues with him still outstanding.


Well said, Garrett!!

Ionic Wind Support Team

Quote from: Kuron on November 28, 2006, 01:34:36 PM
QuoteGood grief already!!! Why is it when someone is successful that others have to try to drag them down instead of congratulating them and being happy for their success.
Those who can, do.  Those who can't criticize those who can. :-\

You've got a really good point there. 

I should actually thank Fred for all of the free advertising they give me over there.  Normally a site owner would charge to have that many links to a competitors site, at least it helps our google page ranking  :D

And since he lets the riff-raff have free control over the forums I wouldn't be surprise at how many people don't buy just because of all the arguing and nonsense.  Which drives customers to other sites anyway.

Ionic Wind Support Team

Brice Manuel

I think Paul holds the record though.  They were raking him over the coals a couple of months ago when Paul lost his job. :'(


Quote from: Garrett on November 28, 2006, 03:09:34 PM
There's also lengthy threads on BlitzMax and I think PowerBasic on Fred's forum also.  He's a very very tolerant fellow if you ask me.

Just confident in his product. :)

Ionic Wind Support Team


Thread has gone off topic enough for now.  And totally unrelated to Emergence BASIC.
Ionic Wind Support Team