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Info Only Update - 12-30-2013

Started by LarryMc, December 30, 2013, 06:54:01 AM

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Ran in to a little snag with the IWGMask cells.
While doing some 'what-if' testing I got to thinking:
What if the source of the data is just the raw, unformatted data?
How do I go about formatting it when it is loaded into the grid cell as opposed to when it is loaded into the editor?
Then, if the user wants to save the cell contents(formatted) back as raw data to wherever the data originally came from?

And the other side is what if the data is already formatted how do I convert it to raw for input into the mask edit handler.

The original design was that the input data was always raw and the output was always formatted.

It took me a good deal of head scratching to come up with a scheme that will handle all scenarios:
Raw in - Raw output
Raw in - Formatted output
Formatted in - Raw out
Formatted in - Formatted out
And all 4 of those with the grid cell display as formatted data and editing always with the  mask.

I've got to rewrite some user functions and add at least one new one and come up with some new subroutines for manipulating the data internally.
May take me a little while before I have a new version out.

Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library