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TFTrial - Trialware Dialog

Started by Tony, January 19, 2009, 10:07:34 PM

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  I've created a trialware dialog for use in my own programs, TFTrial. TFTrial allows you to display a custom dialog box at the beginning of your own program and allows you to limit your program to x amount of runs. Once your program has been run the number of times that you determine, it prevents your program from running any longer, allowing the user to either click the Buy or Activate button. Attached is a small demo that illustrates it's use, along with the source code to the test program showing how easy it is to use. You can't recompile the test program though as the TFTrial .lib file isn't included.

  Would there be any interest in this? It is a .lib file, so no need to distribute an external .dll and I would release it as shareware for only $5.99.

  Anyway, let me know if you would be interested.

