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Aurora Beta 1 Rev 0

Started by Ionic Wind Support Team, August 31, 2006, 04:18:33 PM

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Ionic Wind Support Team

August 31, 2006, 04:18:33 PM Last Edit: August 31, 2006, 04:24:11 PM by Paul Turley
The Aurora compiler has just been updated to Beta 1.  To get the update redownload from the link provided when purchasing and reinstall the compiler.

- NEW was not calculating the size of unicode strings correctly. Fixed.
- C3DCamera::Move fixed.
- C3DMesh::CreateMeshEx now allows 0 for number of indices to create non-indexed triangle lists.
- C3DScreen::Reset method added.  Allows changing the size of the surfaces in windowed mode.
- Animated key framed X files now work correctly when loaded with C3DMesh::LoadSkinnedX
- C3DScreen::MouseX and C3DScreen::MouseY added.
- CRichEdit::GetSelText was broken.  Fixed.
- Include file processing change to resolve conficts with user included files.
- C3DLight now allows the same positioning and rotation as other objects respecting the transfromations of the parent.
- C3DObject::LookAt method added.
- The caret color in the IDE is now the inverse of the background color to ensure visibility.
- The ClassView pane in the IDE now does something.
- F1 with a highlihted keyword now searches through the user guides for a match.
- File attribute constants were missing from, added.
- CWindow::GetHandle method was declared but never implemented. Fixed.

About the ClassView pane:
The ClassView pane shows all of your derived objects as well as the classes available from the Aurora libraries. Right clicking on a method in the class list allows you to go to a methods declaration or implementation.  Methods in the Aurora library list will allow you to go to the declaration only, since the implementation of those classes are in compiled form.

The listing of your programs classes is only available in project mode.  You can refresh the list by right-clicking anywhere in the pane and selecting "Refresh".

There will be more added to the ClassView pane as the beta progresses including the lising of all member variables, structure definitions and global functions.

State of the documentation:
I have been working hard trying to get the documentation finished.  All help files now have a keyword list allowing context sensitive help (highlight a class name and press F1 for example).  The text of the docs are still in the process of being filled in and many of the class method descriptions are still empty, but listed.  You'll need to browse through to see what is there. CWindow is mostly finished for example, as are half of the independant functions.

I will be uploading numerous "documentation updates" over the next few weeks as more of the information gets filled in.  Just to save the hassle of having to redownload the install again.

There was a bug in the help database manager that we are using which listed all return types of independant funcitons as "None".  But you'll figure out by reading the docs what it is supposed to return. 

Upcoming changes:
For Beta 1 Rev1 most of the changes will be to the compiler itself.  Planned are enumerations and security attributes for class members (private, protected, etc).  The 3D library will have more format loaders in Rev1 as I just didn't have time to finish them before this release. 

Have fun and watch the announcement topic for more updates ;)


[EDIT]: Demo was also updated.
Ionic Wind Support Team


Thanks, wow what a great way to bring in the new month!!



There is a bug in the class viewer - some classes are displayed twice. For an example, download the BabyGrid source and open the project. You'll have two entries under "BabyGrid Objects" titled "BabyGrid" and one titled "CGridWnd". My guess is something to do with include file processing, but I have no idea because I don't have the IDE's code.

Ionic Wind Support Team

If you have the class defined twice you will get it displayed twice.
Ionic Wind Support Team



Indeed, what an exciting first day of the month!! We've gone Beta. Aurora really has come a long way since the Alpha was released in October when i came along last year.

Now hopefully the Beta will pull in the punters too.

Looking forward to the security attributes ;)


J B Wood (Zumwalt)

Paul, my sincerest thanks.
I have enough with lighting to keep me busy for a while, I can now do individual room lighting with falling over lamps, track lighting where the light actually moves along the track instead of having to create tons of lights and turn them on and off, I create one and have it follow a path, lots of fun stuff.

Looking into the other new features this weekend :)
Great times ahead of us for sure.


Also noticed a bug in the class list thing. I opened up a project and in the list, one of my methods had a square at the end. Not sure why, it was just the same in the source code as all the other methods.


J B Wood (Zumwalt)

Its a tab character.
I had that in all the other builds from time to time, just nuke it, it causes problems.


I have opened a standard project where from /include was included. Waited and waited... 4 minutes was too long for me, the GUI was totally blocked so i terminated it.
Loking for file names in process explorer - it looped from file a to file b, then again to file a.

Steven Picard

Great work, Paul!!

We're at BETA 1!!  :D

Bruce Peaslee

Bruce Peaslee
"Born too loose."
iTired (There's a nap for that.)
Well, I headed for Las Vegas
Only made it out to Needles

Ionic Wind Support Team

Quote from: sapero on September 01, 2006, 09:02:20 AM
I have opened a standard project where from /include was included. Waited and waited... 4 minutes was too long for me, the GUI was totally blocked so i terminated it.
Loking for file names in process explorer - it looped from file a to file b, then again to file a.

ClassView isn't perfect yet.  You may have a cyclic include somewhere, if file a includes file b and file b includes file a.
Ionic Wind Support Team

Ionic Wind Support Team

I'll have an update in an hour or so.  ClassView will check for files included twice and such.
Ionic Wind Support Team

Ionic Wind Support Team

OK the installation has been updated.  The classview pane now checks for cyclic includes and duplicates.  Hopefully that solves Sapero's difficulty.
Ionic Wind Support Team


I've had a problem with the class viewer. When i choose 'Show Declaration' it works fine on my projects. But when i choose 'Show Implementation' on a class member it opens the include file where the declaration is and selects nothing. ???


Yes, it helped! Thanx for this fast fix :D

Ionic Wind Support Team

Quote from: Kale on September 01, 2006, 03:24:07 PM
I've had a problem with the class viewer. When i choose 'Show Declaration' it works fine on my projects. But when i choose 'Show Implementation' on a class member it opens the include file where the declaration is and selects nothing. ???

Which method?  Which class?

If you updated your projects files right-click on the classview pane and select 'refresh'.
Ionic Wind Support Team


September 02, 2006, 07:13:32 AM #19 Last Edit: September 02, 2006, 08:52:51 AM by Kale
Quote from: Paul Turley on September 01, 2006, 03:42:25 PM
Which method?  Which class?
If you updated your projects files right-click on the classview pane and select 'refresh'.

See the attached zip file, and try it on the class methods contained in this simple test. :)

Ionic Wind Support Team

Ionic Wind Support Team

Ionic Wind Support Team

OK the installation has been updated.  The classview pane now opens the correct file when searching for the implementation of a method.  Hopefully that solves Kale's problem ;)

I apologize for those of you on 56K modems still  :)
Ionic Wind Support Team


Quote from: Paul Turley on September 02, 2006, 11:08:43 AM
OK the installation has been updated.  The classview pane now opens the correct file when searching for the implementation of a method.  Hopefully that solves Kale's problem ;)

Yep, all sorted! ;D Ta. BTW pressing F1 for the help search is very welcome. :)


F1 help really is nice and I see that some of the documentation is already in there with examples. I was looking at FileRequest for example.

I really like lots of stuff in the IDE, I really like the brace highlighting, it really makes it easy to find the matching counter brace.
Also I love the intelligent Home key. It takes you to the beginning of the text not just the line.

I am older, so I found using Lucida Console 10 pt makes it a lot easier to look at { } and ( ) * ^ etc.

Also, I think it is neat how the compiler finds all my flaws, like a little helper robot in programming and gives pretty useful info in helping find the mistakes.

All of the last few things I mentioned have been available, I just never mentioned how much I enjoy them and appreciate the coding behind it all.


All good Paul. Just thought of a little suggestion. Double clicking on a method in the class view perhaps opening straight to the declaration would be very good. You would just have to add some code to detect if the users clicks on a method or not. Really just for ease of use.
