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Aurora and C++ Quick Reference

Started by kryton9, July 24, 2006, 06:43:14 PM

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July 24, 2006, 06:43:14 PM Last Edit: July 27, 2006, 04:22:29 PM by kryton9
Well, I think it is at a point where a c++ and Aurora Guru can take a look and make additions and corrections quickly in an hour or so, compared to me working on it for another month probably.

It is now in an html format in a table. I stopped in the c++ stuff when it got into the very complicated things thatI didn't know and if they would apply at this point to Aurora. I did put the rough skeleton in, so those who know can add and comment as they see fit. Stuff I was confused or just didn't know in Aurora are left blank. I did try to make reasonable assumptions on some things. So feel free to correct anything I might have been confused about. Thanks.

aurora c++ quick reference v0.3.zip --  this is an htm file when unzipped.

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

I could not read this - got a screen of jumbled symbols.


I used Microsoft Works Spreadsheet. I will change my first post to mention that. Hope that helps.

Steven Picard

You might want to try downloading Open Office 2.0.  It's MS Office compatible and is what I use at home.

John S

I love OpenOffice.  Have been using it for years.
John Siino, Advanced Engineering Services and Software


First post has the latest update and updated message.


Oh now I'm angry. I had a ton of corrections and for some reason the page just refreshed or something and they're all gone. I don't really want to type them all over again, since that took a long time. Sorry.

Ionic Wind Support Team

Actually quite a few errors.  Aurora does support inserting both inline assembly and a single assembly instruction. For example

#emit int 3

Creates a breakpoint for debugging by insering the assembly instruction int 3.

#define doesn't create a variable in C++, or aurora.  It creates a preprocessor definition.

Aurora supports local and global variables as well.

Too many to look at right now.
Ionic Wind Support Team


If it is that full of errors, no need in messing with it. IF you want paul it is ok to go ahead and delete this post.

Sorry about that Parker. Man I feel terrible you lost all your work.

Ionic Wind Support Team

No need to delete it.  I am sure others will jump in here to correct your mistakes too.

The only reason for a documentation like this is to aid in converting from C++ to Aurora.  However you have ot remember that Aurora isn't a C compiler ;)

Ionic Wind Support Team


There are a lot of things that are supported but in a different way, for example C uses void* instead of pointer (Aurora can too), and char* instead of string/dstring. I do remember that there were lots of duplicates of word, int, long, etc. And I pointed out that C++ compilers support the __int64 (VC++) or long long (GCC) 64 bit integer type.

It would really require someone skilled in both languages to convert code because they aren't really similar languages in terms of features and how everything is accomplished.

Ionic Wind Support Team

And Aurora uses int64 without the underscore.

It would really require someone skilled in both languages to convert code because they aren't really similar languages in terms of features and how everything is accomplished.

That could be said about any two languages.  Although I find converting C code to Aurora pretty straighforward and easy to do.  Much easier than say C++ to IBasic.
Ionic Wind Support Team


My original thinking was there is lots of material, such as from those two sites, for c++ that explains the concepts of all this OOP stuff. Then, if using those explanations and looking at their sample codes, that maybe someone learning as me-- could then make more sense of first, what they were looking at in the c code and then to have a guide to help them make it work in Aurora.

I thought this would be a good way to facilitate learning all of this new stuff.

Since I really knew little about either, I guess I dove in way over my head. Just can't wait to learn Aurora and get to the really fun stuff :)


I've just loaded Visual C++ version 5 pro, hoping to get some clues from the help documentation.

The program starts up OK and the help-contents option brings up some useful looking subjects in a panel on the left - likeÂÃ,  'Visual C++ Tutorials'.ÂÃ,  Unfortunately two other panels called InfoViewer, refuse to display anything ..ÂÃ,  :( saying This page cannot be displayed.ÂÃ,  It's looking at some URL mk:@ivt:vcedit/Homepage/VCHMPG.HTM .. whatever that is.

Good old Microsoft - can't even get the help pages to work .. ::)
I've re-inserted the CD to check if there is anything else I should load - and neither autostart or a direct click on the icon in 'computer' will start the CD - wonderful.ÂÃ,  ÂÃ, Looks like an un-install is going to be needed.ÂÃ,  Good job it didn't cost me anything.

Anyone any experience of this who could give me a clue ?ÂÃ, 

all the best, :)

Tomorrow may be too late ..


Graham, I thought playing with c++ would help with learning Aurora and it just added to the confusion.


Look at reply 3 to start with. It shows the most basic of programs in a console version, a window version and also as a dialog.
Then you can sort of skip ahead to reply 16 and finish up

If you load those samples into the Aurora IDE and take a good look then start modifying them, you will find yourself getting into it.
Just start slowly modifying things in those easy examples until it sort of clicks. Even after doing all of those, I still get lost easilly and refer back to them to sort of sort things out.
And really you can write stuff without writing classes and making separate source files and include files,so you can start that way and get into that stuff later.

Ask for all the help and anything that seems confusing, as you know Paul and the others are very helpful.

I personally thought c++ would make it easier, but I found it didn't. Things are similar but done differently enough that it adds to the confusion.

About the microsoft products, I know they install tons of stuff on your computer and make you jump through loops and then you are stuck with unuseable stuff.
I tried using and learning their visual web designer stuff. The program wouldn't work following their example videos, so I said ok, enough of this and went on to learn PHP.

Sorry can't offer direct help about your answer about micrsofts help system.


Hi Graham!
...I don't know if this will be of help or not, but thought I'd mention it anyway.

I've got numerous books on C++ that I've always found to be too overwhelming in their coverage of OOP principles (very deep water for an OOP newb like myself ), but I recently ran across a very light-weight text that seems just about right in the OOP theory department.

The name of the book is "C++ in easy steps", only 192 pages cover to cover with a lot of hand-holding sample code, illustrations and explanations for only $9.95 U.S.

Since it was published there in the U.K., I'm guessing that you might be able to find it on a local bookshelf somewhere close to you, which would allow you to look it over without any financial commitment. ;)

Also, here's a link to the website: http://www.ineasysteps.com/

Although Aurora is definitely not C++, I've found this little jewel to be somewhat helpful in understanding the OOP concepts while waiting for the documentation to start firming up during the upcoming beta's. Might be worth a look on your end.

Now I just wish I had a little more coding time to invest in the learning process....


John S

Quote from: docmann on August 11, 2006, 09:40:50 PM
The name of the book is "C++ in easy steps", only 192 pages cover to cover with a lot of hand-holding sample code, illustrations and explanations for only $9.95 U.S.
Also, here's a link to the website: http://www.ineasysteps.com/

I'll second that.  The book is cheap and it did a good job.  I think Barnes & Noble is the publisher.
John Siino, Advanced Engineering Services and Software


Thanks guys .. :) .. I'll follow your advice.

Microsoft - 0 out of ten - I reckon.

Now all I've got to do is figure out how to get rid of all the rubbish they've dumped on my new computer .. ::)

all the best, :)

Tomorrow may be too late ..


Thanks Doc .. bought the book .. :)

Tried removing Visual C++ and got lots of messages like ' File m*)?*".dll' appears not to be used by any other program. Do you want to remove it?'

How the heck is the user supposed to know what those files are for ..ÂÃ,  :(

Then I thought, I know, I'll do aÂÃ,  'system restore' .. so I pick a restore point and say do it .. it restarts and says something like 'The restore can not be done - pick another restore point'ÂÃ,  ::) So I try an earlier one - same thingÂÃ,  >:(

What a useless system .. can I give Microsoft -5 out of ten ?

I don't think they have produced anything any good since Win3.1 ..ÂÃ,  :)

best wishes,

Tomorrow may be too late ..