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IWBasic runs in Windows 11!

question about mdb files

Started by Doc, June 14, 2006, 10:10:23 AM

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I'm really not at all familiar with the capabilities of Microsoft's .mdb format I'm wondering whether or not you can store "blobs" (binary data, images, etc.) with it? If so, is there any sample code floating around?

Also, since Aurora will eventually be cross-platform, will the same format be used on the Linux side or will we have access to something more generic like SQLite? Maybe more important, has anyone yet tried using SQLite with Aurora? 

Geeshz, I'm sure full of questions (or something) this morning.  ;) ;D



Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Aurora uses the ODBC interface - any database that works with that should work.
I got it to work with .mdb - am now playing with Progress interface.


Hi Larry,

QuoteAurora uses the ODBC interface - any database that works with that should work.
Yepper, I'm aware of that. (thanks!)

Unfortunately when going that route, there must always be an assumption that the end user has the correct ODBC driver installed for any given DB. In itself that's not generally much of a problem if the user is running XP, but it can be in the case where they use an earlier version of windows. If the end user does not have the correct drivers installed or (looking ahead) is running Linux, it could be a big pain in the wazoo.

SQLite on the other hand, is absolutely free for any use and available for almost every platform on the planet. Even more important (from my viewpoint), the resulting DB file can also be used to run server based apps without any changes.

Who knows, maybe someday I'll become smart enough to do the interface to Aurora. :)


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

I think Paul built a generic interface. Not sure what triggers the specific ODBC interface but it seems to work
so far. :)

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Check the 'How to connect to a database' thread. It has some connect specific data.

Ionic Wind Support Team

Any system that has IE installed will have the .mdb drivers.  Or any version of Office of course.

Ionic Wind Support Team