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EB class maker

Started by fasecero, June 15, 2009, 06:35:05 PM

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lately I'm using classes and I thought how useful it may be the Class Maker of Aurora.
I have taken the liberty of download the source code of the Q&D Class Maker and translated to EBasic (hope this is not bad;))
Including (and without knowing almost anything about Aurora) I did make a small dll with the function "isvalid" that I could not translate.
The program is completely analogous to Q&D, the only difference is the use of listviews because I wanted to practice with them.


EBCM 1.1

New features:

* The size of the controls now follow the size of the application
* You can export and import sets of classes
* You can delete individual classes
* You can copy individual methods to the clipboard
* You can load classes from multiple files at once
* You can create -non- derived classes
* A little help added

Included in the link below the source of EBCM 1.0 and 1.1.
Of course, the program is open to any additions or corrections :)
Thx and take care!


Well, I think I'm done with the application.
Two bugs corrected:

* When open several sources (inc or ebas) at once to load classes, the memory of the last visited path was setting when reading each file, which is unnecessary since all are in the same directory.
* When reading certain classes, the full name of the class appear completely in lowercase and the constructor and destructor was included. Fixed.


EBCM 1.2 (final)

* Error fixed: when the name of a variable or constant ends with "class" the program recognized as the declaration of a class, for example in:
the program believed that was the declaration of a class called "= 16"
* Added some options for selecting the panels font and color (if you will compile this version, before run delete the file "ebcm.dat", because the format is different).


Quote from: fasecero on June 21, 2009, 09:03:59 AM
EBCM 1.2 (final)

* Error fixed: when the name of a variable or constant ends with "class" the program recognized as the declaration of a class, for example in:
the program believed that was the declaration of a class called "= 16"
* Added some options for selecting the panels font and color (if you will compile this version, before run delete the file "ebcm.dat", because the format is different).

I try to compiled and linking but it fails. What happens here?. I create an import library validate.lib and put it in the lib folder

this is my error report?

Compiling Resources...
No Errors

File: f:\ionicwind\forum\iwbasic\projects\ebasic class maker\v1.2\src\ebcm_v1.2.eba (99) Warning: Argument 9 (d1_handler) does not match the declaration of IWBDLGPROC
Different return type: none, should be int
File: C:\IWBDev3\bin\iwbstd.incc (9) Warning: See previous declaration of IWBDLGPROC
File: f:\ionicwind\forum\iwbasic\projects\ebasic class maker\v1.2\src\ebcm_v1.2.eba (150) Warning: See previous declaration of d1_handler
File: f:\ionicwind\forum\iwbasic\projects\ebasic class maker\v1.2\src\ebcm_v1.2.eba (112) Warning: Argument 9 (d2_handler) does not match the declaration of IWBDLGPROC
Different return type: none, should be int
File: C:\IWBDev3\bin\iwbstd.incc (9) Warning: See previous declaration of IWBDLGPROC
File: f:\ionicwind\forum\iwbasic\projects\ebasic class maker\v1.2\src\ebcm_v1.2.eba (197) Warning: See previous declaration of d2_handler
File: f:\ionicwind\forum\iwbasic\projects\ebasic class maker\v1.2\src\ebcm_v1.2.eba (116) Warning: Argument 9 (d3_handler) does not match the declaration of IWBDLGPROC
Different return type: none, should be int
File: C:\IWBDev3\bin\iwbstd.incc (9) Warning: See previous declaration of IWBDLGPROC
File: f:\ionicwind\forum\iwbasic\projects\ebasic class maker\v1.2\src\ebcm_v1.2.eba (219) Warning: See previous declaration of d3_handler
File: f:\ionicwind\forum\iwbasic\projects\ebasic class maker\v1.2\src\ebcm_v1.2.eba (433) Warning: Unreferenced local variable: pdata
File: f:\ionicwind\forum\iwbasic\projects\ebasic class maker\v1.2\src\ebcm_v1.2.eba (563) Warning: Unreferenced local variable: position
File: f:\ionicwind\forum\iwbasic\projects\ebasic class maker\v1.2\src\ebcm_v1.2.eba (805) Warning: Unreferenced local variable: pMem

IWBasic Linker v1.11 Copyright © 2011 Ionic Wind Software
Unresolved external __imp_SetClipboardDataA
Error: f:\ionicwind\forum\iwbasic\projects\ebasic class maker\v1.2\src\ebcm_v1.2.o - Unresolved extern __imp_SetClipboardDataA
Error(s) in linking f:\ionicwind\forum\iwbasic\projects\ebasic class maker\v1.2\src\ebcm_v1.2.exe

I'm using the IWBasic Professional v3.0 IDE and compiler.

Thanks if you can help and fixed it


Best solution is to change this line
$INCLUDE "windows.inc"
to this
$INCLUDE "windowssdk.inc"

then remove underscore "_" from beginning of all library commands that use it
Do it by trying to compile and correcting the errors until there are no more errors.
Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


Quote from: LarryMc on May 30, 2015, 07:58:11 AM
Best solution is to change this line
$INCLUDE "windows.inc"
to this
$INCLUDE "windowssdk.inc"

then remove underscore "_" from beginning of all library commands that use it
Do it by trying to compile and correcting the errors until there are no more errors.


It's all fixed and works great. Nice IDE and Compiler and very fast executable exe's



Found time to convert this program from Fasecero written for EB to generate classes to IWB. It may be useful to some of you - I don't really know how to use it!

You will need to move the 'validate.lib' in the zip file to the 'libs' folder of your IWB setup, and keep 'validate.dll' in the same folder as the program

I have renamed the program to 'IWBCM' from 'EBCM' to reflect the change
