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Webcam capture

Started by Brian, May 16, 2020, 12:05:14 PM

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Hi, I noticed someone looking at an offering from Sapero concerning Webcams. I have converted his program to IWB, but I don't have a webcam. Someone may be able to try it, as I would like to see if it works or not!

I've included the exe (rename Webcam.txt as Webcam.exe) and the IWB file. To compile the program, you may have to modify the vfw.inc file in iwbdev\include, as one of the functions in there clashes with IWB's GetData statement



Tried compiling, but I don't have a VFW2.INC file.

Thought it was the .txt file, so I renamed it, that came up with a bunch of errors.

When all else fails, get a bigger hammer.



It didn't work on my PC, the webcam is connected by USB and Windows sees it and it's installed properly.

Ran the program, selected the USB webcam, clicked Apply but no image at all.
Tried the different settings including frequency - but still nothing.

Day after day, day after day, we struck nor breath nor motion, as idle as a painted ship upon a painted ocean.


Bill and Andy,
When trying to compile, it barfed on a struct in vfw.inc, so I copied the inc to vfw2.inc, changed the GetData member to GetDataX, and it compiled. There is already a GetData call in IWB
I had no idea if it would work, as I don't have a webcam. Just saw a guest looking at the code, so I thought I would investigate it


Used VFW.inc and it compiled fine and seems to work.  Only thing is that to me it is reversed, obviously due to perspective.  When I move left, the video me moves right and visa versa, which makes sense.  But the main point is that it does work for me.  My Video and Audio are built in, not external.  Comes in handy for video conferencing for work.

When all else fails, get a bigger hammer.


Just tried compiling with IWB+ and it worked. Funny how it doesn't with IWB 2.09, because of the GetData clash. But glad it worked for you, Bill



May 19, 2020, 11:40:09 AM #6 Last Edit: May 21, 2020, 07:40:53 AM by Brian
This is a better version of the Webcam program. I realised there should have been a combobox showing, listing available webcams. I have also included a vfw.inc file that works


PS: Slight update today, May 21

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