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League Tables program

Started by Brian, September 12, 2019, 09:21:31 AM

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I wrote this a long time ago, and have just finished updating so it looks a bit more modern

You can create and update a league table of your own, with P W D L F A Pts columns, with up to 32 teams in a table. You can optionally change the number of points for a win and a drawn game. Also you can Print a table. Little help file included (not very good at translating actions to words!)

I originally wrote it to manage our table tennis league, but you can use it for any sport that uses a similar format

If you want to port it to another PC, just include the exe and chm files - icons and bitmaps are embedded in the exe



Thanks for sharing. Really appreciate this. Nice program !


Found a problem, when entering points, in that some teams were not being moved into their correct position in the listview. Didn't affect calculations, just positioning

Gave me a chance to put in some new features, as well

Read the Version 1.7 blurb at the top of the file for further informstion




I have modified the program again, and added another column, Difference. I suppose this could represent goal, sets or games difference, whatever sport you are creating a table for

The older versions had 8 columns, but all is not lost! When you load an older version into League Tables, it adds the new column on in the correct place. As long as you save the table later, it will be saved in the new format with 9 columns

If your sport doesn't require a Diff column, you have the option to print a table with or without the Diff column

Please read the Version 1.8 blurb at the top of the file. Any problems, please post them here

Good luck!



I recently re-visited this program, thinking that my last version ran okay. I was surprised to find that it wasn't saving a table correctly, and was falling over when saving

I was using a method where the opened table filename was being injected into the Save edit control. I have re-jigged that part, using different code, and it seems to work okay now
