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CSV file size.

Started by Egil, April 11, 2017, 10:02:02 AM

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This question might as well be posted in the IWB section.

Is there a limit for how large a CSV file can be?

Support Amateur Radio  -  Have a ham  for dinner!


I'm not aware of any. But if there is one I would guess it would be 32K.
Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


Thanks Larry.

The reason I asked was that I tried to open a csv file with Excell and got a warning telling me that the maximum number of rows had been exceeded.
But when I just now tried with Windows WordPad, the file opened whithout problems. The size of the file is 75.4 MB.
So guess the received warning is the result of limits set by the coders of Excell.

Support Amateur Radio  -  Have a ham  for dinner!


CSV's can be any size, your problem was definitely due to Excel limits.  Newer versions of Excel allow for more rows.

65536 is the maximum number of spreadsheet rows supported by Excel 97, Excel 2000, Excel 2002 and Excel 2003.Text files that are larger than 65536 rows cannot be imported to these versions of Excel. (Excel 2007, 2010 and 2013 support 1,048,576 rows (220)).

When all else fails, get a bigger hammer.


Thanks Bill.
My version of Excell is then too old (2003). I was asked by a friend to comment on some of the recorded values in the file. And I was able to do that by using WordPad.
Since the file in question is not mine, there is no need to upgrade...

Support Amateur Radio  -  Have a ham  for dinner!

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Download open office - it is free and does all the same stuff that the microtrash versions do.
Runs on Windoz, Linux, and Mac (I think).



Quote from: Rock Ridge Farm (Larry) on April 11, 2017, 04:06:14 PM
Download open office - it is free and does all the same stuff that the microtrash versions do.
Runs on Windoz, Linux, and Mac (I think).


Hi Larry,

Tried that yesterday, only to get the same warning I got when using M$ Office....
This is no big deal, the file in question fortunately opened whithout problems in WordPad.

Support Amateur Radio  -  Have a ham  for dinner!


Good old Wordpad - a reliable old program.   :)

Sometimes, if you copy some source code and try to paste it into CB (and presumably IWB), you just get one long line of stuff.  Paste it into Wordpad, and it displays correctly - then copy it from there into CB or IWB, and all is well ..  ;D

Other very useful programs, abandoned by the insensitive Microsoft, are Paint (XP version), and Photo Editor (used to come with Word), not to mention File Manager.

Fortunately, I've been able to obtain all of them, and use them regularly. :P

all the best, :)


Tomorrow may be too late ..


April 12, 2017, 06:38:45 AM #8 Last Edit: April 12, 2017, 06:40:53 AM by Egil
MS Paint is still in the Windows packages, but now you have to start setup andselect Paint (and any of the other programs that is not included automaticly) to get it installed.

A couple of years ago I discovered another such tool that works much smoother and have more possibilities than Paint.
It is called Pinta:   https://pinta-project.com/pintaproject/pinta/

You can even use it as a simple photo editor.

Support Amateur Radio  -  Have a ham  for dinner!


Thanks Egil - that looks like a useful program ..  :)

Tomorrow may be too late ..