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Linux progress report

Started by Rock Ridge Farm (Larry), June 21, 2016, 07:07:46 AM

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Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

I have just completed iwlinux 1.15 (not uploaded yet)
It has a working (mostly) 32 bit IWB Compiler - not very impressive but the basis for moving to 64 bit.

The reason for Linux? - it is where I am most comfortable - Windoz is sooooo awkward to me.
I started in the Unix world in 1970.

Amyway, my plan is to get a working 64 bit version of IWB working here then port to Windoz.

If interested you can track the progress of IWLinux at iwlinux.org and/or https://sourceforge.net/projects/iwlinux/?source=navbar

Making haste slowly


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

IWLinux updated.

64 bit.
4.4.13 kernel

This is the stable release.



Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Just got off a call with Larry Mc.
He had an issue with installing IWB on an older Dell alongside Win7.

I suspect it is related to EFI booting.

If you do not use EFI boot or do not know what EFI boot is - do not try to install alongside existing windows.

Run from a USB drive or install to a spare computer.

I only run Windoz as a virt machine.

I have research to do on this issue.

If anyone encounters other issues - please let me know.


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Do not use latest version - I am taking it down from the download area till I can resolve the boot issue.



Well,I finally gave up and bit the bullet and reinstalled windows on my machine.
So now I have to spend a great deal of time figuring out two things.

The most serious is what got trashed because I wound up with a ton of corrupted file segments.  I don't know if it was part of any of the work I've done that's associated with Ionicwind or the 20 years of research of 300,000 + names associated with family history back to 248 A.D. or what.   Don't get me wrong, I got backups on top of backups all over the place but it just takes times to sort through everything and make sure If identified any issued and have the latest and greatest.

I really knew better than to do what I did so don't be expecting me to be answering any questions regarding any Linux version of IWBasic in say...the next....40 years or so....
Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Just uploaded the latest version - kernel 4.6.0.
Tested it along side other linux releases.
I am loading a win 7 to test loading it with.

Note: it uses EFI boot - older bios will not work.

Take care if you load it with another OS - make sure you have a good backup.
download.html          logs
edt.asm             pfn2_en.zip
If anyone loads it - please let me know.

Now back to the compiler.



Hi Larry,

Tried to download latest version twice, but both times interrupted after 646 MB. Do not know what causes this.

The "old" version  works fine here, when booting from an USB-stick. And use it for experimenting when reading "Linux for Dummies".... 8)

Support Amateur Radio  -  Have a ham  for dinner!


It was the Opera browser that did not cope with large downloads.
When changing to IE-11 IWLinux was downloaded whithout problems.
Are going to try it later tonight.

Support Amateur Radio  -  Have a ham  for dinner!