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Win 8.1 Pro/IWB Dev 2.09/Compiler 2.095

Started by billhsln, November 15, 2014, 11:05:36 AM

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November 15, 2014, 11:05:36 AM Last Edit: November 15, 2014, 11:51:04 AM by billhsln
I seem to have run into some thing new.   I have 2 programs loaded that do not have this problem, but every program I pull up (old code) and then do a SAVE, the IDE aborts and creates a .tmp file in the directory where the source code exists.  I don't have to try to compile it, just pull it in and do a save and it aborts.  I can also do a change and it will abort when saving.  When I bring the IDE back up, the program that I loaded is no longer in the list.

The abort says it will notify me if a solution is found, but then nothing happens.


NEW: I uninstalled and reinstalled IWB and now it does this on EVERY program I pull in and try to save.

When all else fails, get a bigger hammer.


Never heard that.  I don't have a win8 machine so I can't test it.
I know that LarryS does have a win8 machine so we'll just have to wait until he can check it out.

In the mean time:
where are your source files located?
where do you have IWB installed?
is UAC turned on or off?
Have you tried with source files in a different location?
Maybe install IWB in different location?

Have you downloaded the IWB2.5 beta and tried it?
Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


Right now it is inconsistent.  One program works ok and another does not.  The program I am working on (Recipe.iwb) allows me to change and save and recompile.  The other one aborts the IDE when I just try to save it, I don't even have to change any thing.

When all else fails, get a bigger hammer.


is the one that works and one that doesn't in the same folder?
Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


No, same main folder, but different specific folder.

Does not work: C:\Users\Public\Documents\IWBasic\MyProgs\Copy Exe's

Does work: C:\Users\Public\Documents\IWBasic\MyProgs\Recipes

Could it be the 'Blank' problem?  Since the Directory as a blank in it???  (It isn't, see below).

Tried: C:\Users\Public\Documents\IWBasic\MyProgs\NTCLC_Membership (Aborted)

Tried: C:\Users\Public\Documents\IWBasic\MyProgs\Match Directories (Aborted)

Closed all open files in IDE, closed IDE, reopened, reloaded:  C:\Users\Public\Documents\IWBasic\MyProgs\Recipes\Recipes.iwb then saved, worked fine.  Then opened: C:\Users\Public\Documents\IWBasic\MyProgs\Copy Exe's\Copy_Exes.iwb, clicked save (Aborted).

When all else fails, get a bigger hammer.


Had exactly the same problems here some months ago on a brand new pc, using Win8.1. Had not yet received IWB v2, but using Emergence Basic and MiniBasic gave similar to those Bill describes. In addition none of the audio editing programs used here would work.

When calling the dealer about my problems, they told that this was a well known problem with Win8, and that they had no cure. So they recomended installing Windows 7 instead. So I order Win7 Pro, only to find that the computer's bios was hard coded to accept Windows 8 only!

Used way too much time trying to get things working, and the dealer was very reluctant to have the computer returned. So they lost me as a customer through the last 25 years, after generating a lot of sales for them via the company I used to work for, and ordered another similar computer whithout OS, from another dealer, and installed the Win7 I already had on hand.
The Win8 computer is now working as a media center at a grandson. He is quite happy with it, but is all the time trying to renegotiate the payment agreement we made; mowing the lawn the next four years....

If the next Windows version is not making things easier for people using non-Office products, this was the last Microsoft product I ever purchased.

PS:  Does  anyone know about a "Linux for Dummies" book??

Support Amateur Radio  -  Have a ham  for dinner!


Well it looks like Windows goes the same way as Star Trek Movies.  Odd movies and windows versions (starting at 3 for windows) are good and Even's are messed up or just weird.  Have had problems with win 8.1 with FTP not working for some sites.

Right now the IDE is working for my Recipe program, still don't understand why it works for some and aborts for others.

Thanks for the info, Egil.  I am pretty much stuck with Win 8.1 Pro, because it does what I need for Work.  Will have to keep fooling around to get changes made to older programs from IWB.  Of course, I can edit with another program and just use IDE to compile, just seems to abort when trying to save source code (just weird).

When all else fails, get a bigger hammer.

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

I have spent the last 3 weeks trying to build ver 3 on win 8 - each time I think I have it nailed another new feature turns up.

Then to make things worse I copied and older backup on top of the new stuff - too many late hours - got my from and to mixed up.



I use a nice little utility called 'Free File Sync'.  Works well and you can do some customization.  I have one directory that I copy to my Dropbox and I want what I have to be the source and if some one changes what is on Dropbox, my copy overrides it.  And the good news it is free and allows you to keep multiple setups.  Might be able to keep your source code backed up the right direction.  Does it by file, so if, like me, you have messed up a file totally, you can copy an older copy over it to fix it.

When all else fails, get a bigger hammer.


Free File Sync is highly recommended.

Quote from: billhsln on November 16, 2014, 10:25:50 AM
Well it looks like Windows goes the same way as Star Trek Movies.  Odd movies and windows versions (starting at 3 for windows) are good and Even's are messed up or just weird. 

Hehe... If you're right, the next version will be a bad one. They have already named it Windows 10. 8)
Support Amateur Radio  -  Have a ham  for dinner!