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Eliminate the Executable Options Dialog

Started by Sam, January 17, 2014, 10:21:11 PM

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My preference would be to have the executable options in the menu. When I compile, I would prefer it just do it without the bother of the EX dialog. However, if it must be there, please make the Create button the default.
Thanks Larry. You're doing a great job.


The Executable Options is really a one time deal 99% of the time.
It is mandatory when the .opt file has not been created for a single file executable.
Once the opt file has been created the Main Toolbar buttons provide you with the options you need:
2.Compile and Run
3.Run(only if the executable exists)

After that first encounter with the Executable Options you usually only have to return to it if you want to change the exe file name, to create a debug executable, or change one of the advanced options(which most never use).
And the create button defaults to unchecked because when you first encounter the dialog your are seldom ready to compile a complete program, so why try. Besides, you've got the 3 buttons mentioned above.

My contention is that the option is not even needed in the Executable Option dialog but I left it in there because it is what users of previous versions were use to and it didn't hurt to be there.
Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


It's popping up every time I hit F8 for a single or F5 for a project compile. I see no way to disable it. I tried setting some options in the compiler property page. No joy. How do I create a .opt file?


Quote from: tennisbum on January 17, 2014, 11:31:42 PM
It's popping up every time I hit F8 for a single or F5 for a project compile. I see no way to disable it. I tried setting some options in the compiler property page. No joy. How do I create a .opt file?
Let's start with F8
It does indeed open the Executable Options. It does what the F8 button has done since the very first predecessor to IWBasic has done.
Its intent is to Build a single file executable application from scratch which entails:
1)creating an *.opts file (which happens when the Executable Options dialog is exited without canceling)
2)selecting the name and path for the exe
3) and so forth.
After the opts file is created the first time then from then on exiting the dialog updates the opts file
I see no reason to change how that operates after all these years.
Especially since the three buttons on the main toolbar exists as I mentioned before.
And the Executable Options button is also on the main toolbar so there is no reason you have to use F8.

What really bothers me is your statement:
QuoteIt's popping up every time I hit ... F5 for a project compile
The F5 button has absolutely nothing to do with the opts file, single file exe, and the Executable Options dialog.
When no project is open the F5 option is disabled.
The F5 button, when a project file is open and a project file is currently selected will compile that particular project file
if a project file is open and a non project file is currently selected hitting F5 will give you a warning saying you can't do that.

Single file executable apps have their options stored in an opts file.  Projects have all their information stored in iwp files.  Their structures are completely different.

In all of this I'm assuming you are indeed using the 2.5 beta version.

I just discovered a major flaw.
In the Build menu there is a Compile and Run Ctrl-F8 option.
In the Help file I wrote it up so that it should apply to Single File apps.

The first problem is that it is disabled 100% of the time.
The bigger problem is that it should always be enabled and apply to both projects and single file apps.

]So, if I fix that then you will have Ctrl-F8 to compile and run with seeing the Ex Op dialog on single file apps.
Also, that will make the Compile and Run menu option work just like the corresponding button like it should have from the beginning.

That will just leave the F5 key  opening that dialog which I can't duplicate.
Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library