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IWBasic runs in Windows 11!

Tutorial PDF

Started by John Syl., March 26, 2006, 11:46:20 AM

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John Syl.

March 26, 2006, 11:46:20 AM Last Edit: September 11, 2006, 01:50:57 PM by puddytat
Here it is.ÂÃ, 

I will update it as soon as possible after Paul has added more to the post.

I have added a few notes, mainly for my own use and to others may seem obvious, but I'm an idiot ;D and the simpler the better.

If you find I have made any errors please tell me and I'll fix it.

Intel 3.6 p4 ht, XP home,2 gb mem, 400 gb hd 20gb raid 0, Nvidia 6600le.
AMD k6-2 500, 40gb.

Started on PDP11 Assembler, BASIC, GWBASIC, 6502, Z80, 80x86, Java, Pascal, C, C++, 
IBasic (std & pro), Aurora, EBasic.  (Master of none, but it's been fun!)


Thanks.  I'll be looking forward to the updates from Paul and you.
Software For Metalworking

John Syl.

Updated 28 Mar, use original link.

Intel 3.6 p4 ht, XP home,2 gb mem, 400 gb hd 20gb raid 0, Nvidia 6600le.
AMD k6-2 500, 40gb.

Started on PDP11 Assembler, BASIC, GWBASIC, 6502, Z80, 80x86, Java, Pascal, C, C++, 
IBasic (std & pro), Aurora, EBasic.  (Master of none, but it's been fun!)

Ionic Wind Support Team

Nice job BTW.  Considering I am writting it in BBCODE you are probably having to convert it to word first and then PDF.
Ionic Wind Support Team

John Syl.

March 28, 2006, 08:32:53 AM #4 Last Edit: March 28, 2006, 08:35:15 AM by puddytat
Thanks Paul, glad I can make some small contribution...until I get the oop sorted, only done a small bit on a uni course, and I can contribute on code.

As for word,ÂÃ,  actually I have works..not as sophisticated, but doing it a bit at a time helps, but it transfers quite well, just needs abit of formatting and hey presto!.ÂÃ,  I have the pdf printer from pdf995 a very good program.

Intel 3.6 p4 ht, XP home,2 gb mem, 400 gb hd 20gb raid 0, Nvidia 6600le.
AMD k6-2 500, 40gb.

Started on PDP11 Assembler, BASIC, GWBASIC, 6502, Z80, 80x86, Java, Pascal, C, C++, 
IBasic (std & pro), Aurora, EBasic.  (Master of none, but it's been fun!)

John Syl.

Thought you caught me sleeping eh!! ;D

Tutorial pdf file updated..use original link  http://www.ionicwind.com/forums/index.php?topic=496.0

Intel 3.6 p4 ht, XP home,2 gb mem, 400 gb hd 20gb raid 0, Nvidia 6600le.
AMD k6-2 500, 40gb.

Started on PDP11 Assembler, BASIC, GWBASIC, 6502, Z80, 80x86, Java, Pascal, C, C++, 
IBasic (std & pro), Aurora, EBasic.  (Master of none, but it's been fun!)

John Syl.

Intel 3.6 p4 ht, XP home,2 gb mem, 400 gb hd 20gb raid 0, Nvidia 6600le.
AMD k6-2 500, 40gb.

Started on PDP11 Assembler, BASIC, GWBASIC, 6502, Z80, 80x86, Java, Pascal, C, C++, 
IBasic (std & pro), Aurora, EBasic.  (Master of none, but it's been fun!)

John S

I created a doc and pdf of Paul's latest update.  Please take my doc file if you like and review and reformat.  It was just my attempt late at night.  Did'nt want to step on any toes.  Here's the link to the zip file:

John Siino, Advanced Engineering Services and Software

John Syl.

pdf file updated..use original link on first post.

John, thanks, didn't see your post until I'd done the lastest update.

Intel 3.6 p4 ht, XP home,2 gb mem, 400 gb hd 20gb raid 0, Nvidia 6600le.
AMD k6-2 500, 40gb.

Started on PDP11 Assembler, BASIC, GWBASIC, 6502, Z80, 80x86, Java, Pascal, C, C++, 
IBasic (std & pro), Aurora, EBasic.  (Master of none, but it's been fun!)

John Syl.

June 07, 2006, 08:35:04 AM #9 Last Edit: June 08, 2006, 01:07:03 AM by puddytat
Updated:ÂÃ,  ÂÃ, pdf includes part 2

regards John
Intel 3.6 p4 ht, XP home,2 gb mem, 400 gb hd 20gb raid 0, Nvidia 6600le.
AMD k6-2 500, 40gb.

Started on PDP11 Assembler, BASIC, GWBASIC, 6502, Z80, 80x86, Java, Pascal, C, C++, 
IBasic (std & pro), Aurora, EBasic.  (Master of none, but it's been fun!)

John Syl.

Intel 3.6 p4 ht, XP home,2 gb mem, 400 gb hd 20gb raid 0, Nvidia 6600le.
AMD k6-2 500, 40gb.

Started on PDP11 Assembler, BASIC, GWBASIC, 6502, Z80, 80x86, Java, Pascal, C, C++, 
IBasic (std & pro), Aurora, EBasic.  (Master of none, but it's been fun!)


Thanks PuddyTat and Paul for the updates.
I decided at the moment I don't have the background enough to use Aurora the way I want. But I am reading the forums and these terrific documents to see when it is at a point that I could get into without being so lost. I know we are in an alpha version and although from seeing the great code snippets and things being done by you great programmers out there... Aurora is already at a very useful state.

If one already knew anything about classes and converting microsoft api stuff or other dll stuff into code to work for you in Aurora the sky is the limit. Unfortuately I look at msdn and some of the documents and my head spins.

I am currently passing the time making a game with Darkbasic Pro. I can see where Aurora will be in a couple of years and can't wait to do game programming with it then. I can see where classes will be very useful in making a complicated game. I am also very excited Paul is interested in 3d and enjoys it too along with music. All the things I like too. Well I am getting off subject here... just wanted to say thanks for your guys efforts in getting some educational material our way.

John Syl.

Thanks for those kind words, but  Paul is doing all the hard work, me?  I'm just reformatting the 'word' and learning as I do it. 

I've yet to get my 'hands dirty' with this magnificent language, I'm a doer and solver, not an ideas man... but I'm looking forward to the time I get inspired.

Until then all I can do is learn.

Intel 3.6 p4 ht, XP home,2 gb mem, 400 gb hd 20gb raid 0, Nvidia 6600le.
AMD k6-2 500, 40gb.

Started on PDP11 Assembler, BASIC, GWBASIC, 6502, Z80, 80x86, Java, Pascal, C, C++, 
IBasic (std & pro), Aurora, EBasic.  (Master of none, but it's been fun!)

Ionic Wind Support Team

Hang in there ;)  The tutorial will be three parts and were just covering the basics at the moment.  Most of which is the same as other languages, just a bit boring.

Ionic Wind Support Team

John Syl.

The pdf version has been updated 11 Sept 2006 - Use link on first post

Intel 3.6 p4 ht, XP home,2 gb mem, 400 gb hd 20gb raid 0, Nvidia 6600le.
AMD k6-2 500, 40gb.

Started on PDP11 Assembler, BASIC, GWBASIC, 6502, Z80, 80x86, Java, Pascal, C, C++, 
IBasic (std & pro), Aurora, EBasic.  (Master of none, but it's been fun!)