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Ebasic Ebook #1

Started by Rock Ridge Farm (Larry), March 05, 2010, 01:25:35 PM

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Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

March 05, 2010, 01:25:35 PM Last Edit: March 08, 2010, 10:59:43 AM by Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)
******* Now working properly since I found my own stupid mistake ******

Download link: http://ionicwind.com/utilities.html

I have the first Ebook available.
I am testing the delivery method so if you buy it and have an issue with the delivery
let me know.

The first book is the Ebasic Language Reference Manual - it cost $5.00

If you buy it please provide me feedback.

Updates to this manual will be free for the rest of the year.

Link is under the utilities tab on the web page.

If your email does not allow attachments and you have filter options turned on
you may get a blank email - this usually happens with yahoo mail. I am not sure
what option to turn off/on - will post here when I find out.


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Added a demo Ebook to the Utilities page that you can download.
It is a sample section of the next Ebook - Basic Ebasic.

You can get it here http://ionicwind.com/utilities.html



I got an "attempting to change WIN.INI" warning from my AV program when I opened the demo EBook; why and to what  end is the program accessing WIN.INI?

Blue Steel

March 09, 2010, 09:33:05 PM #3 Last Edit: March 09, 2010, 09:41:53 PM by Blue Steel
Just Purchaced the book

I got the email about the download.. but it looked blank. so i looked at the message source code and i could see the con tents were there just not visable / showing on thunderbird (my email program). the only thing that i can think of is that the email is malformed and the mailer can't read/display it properly (my email program is not disabled attachments.. as i get attachments all the time)

hope this helps track down whats going on

PS: the download worked fine from the url I obtained from looking at the message source

Very elaborate system .. (some may say over the top for a $5.00 product) but worked fine. I now have a valid Ebasic reference ebook ;)
Question what happens if or when i loose my password.. lol eg: system rebuild is there a way to retrieve it again from giving it my email address ??
Covers many languages including Aurora , IWBasicEbasic (Ebasic, IBasic) , Creative Basic


I also got a seemingly blank messge.  I'm using the Chrome browser.   I tried looking at the source but there's so much of it with so many url's that I wasn't able to find it.


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Yahoo email seems to strip the link from the message.
I do not know if it is a security setting or what.
If you have another email address let me know and I will send it there.
If you do not contact me direct and I will set up a download link for you.



I have a few complaints about this book.  First, the high level of protection for a $5 book is silly.  It's a book.  There shouldn't be any protection.  It should be a help file or a PDF.  I commonly put my netbook near my laptop so I can look at the help on one while I work on the other.  I have Ebasic installed on both of them.

In the contents you do a case sensitive sort and the words beginning with tv in lower case sort out at the end.  By the time I get around to using a treeview I won't remember that and I won't find them.

The search is pretty limiting.

All in all I don't see much value here.  I'm sure it contains a lot of information but the format is restrictive and silly and slow to get into and not easy to find what I want.  I'll probably just use the help file.

I hope you'll re-issue this in a more realistic format.  If you don't I probably won't be buying any others.



Actually, Barry has a point; PDFs can be tagged, searched, tables of content, protected content; tons of stuff you can do with them. Could still charge a nominal fee for a password-protected PDF, and it has a lot of portability plusses.

Blue Steel

I can see why there is protection there.. and i don't agree that there should be no protection. as then they would like sell one abnout 10 or less copies till they are out there on the warez distrobution systems and then the authour would no longer be being paid for their work. So in my mind there has to be an should be some form of licence validation etc. and in todays world passworded Zip files just aren't strong enough.
Covers many languages including Aurora , IWBasicEbasic (Ebasic, IBasic) , Creative Basic


When you sell something that's so restrictive that it hassles your customers, all in the name of protecting yourself, you're letting your paranoia run away with you.  Yes there will be some cheating.  That's the world we live in.  But making something more difficult to use than it's worth costs the author/publisher money.

Why do you think the music publishing business is finally giving up on DRM and finding ways to make money selling unprotected music?  Yes, DRM still exists but there's less and less of it every day and most music sold now doesn't have DRM.

I doubt that I'll use the book I paid for.  It's not worth the trouble.  I also can't share it on the internet now.  Big deal.  I've never shared a book on the internet and I probably never will.



I am on the fence as they say about purchasing the book.  My question is, is every one saying that you have to enter a password every time you open the book to search?  Or that you have to do some thing special to gain access every time?

When all else fails, get a bigger hammer.

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

It is a onetime password - I can also enable you to use it on multiple boxes - you just need a password for each additional box.
All you need to do is email me. I am easy to work with.:)



Well, I just liked it!   ;)
Adrian Fox

Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

I changed the copy protection - did not really like the one I was using.
If you already ordered, I will be sending you a new download link - I made some small updates to the book.


Rock Ridge Farm (Larry)

Adding the 2D command Ref, 3D command ref and Database command ref to the book.
Will keep you posted here when it is ready.
