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IonicWind Snippit Manager 2.xx Released!  Install it on a memory stick and take it with you!  With or without IWBasic!

Pretty Colours

Started by GWS, February 02, 2009, 02:38:10 AM

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Weeee! .. I've got a shiny new copy of Emergence, so I'm just getting around to playing with it ..  :)

I've been mostly using Creative, so I thought I'd try something easy by porting one or two programs across.

This is my Picasso random images program.  You can try playing around with the initialisation parameters, to get varying effects.

' Emergence Basic code
' Picasso Patterns ..
' GWS - 2009

window w
int run,maxsteps,wstyle
int cx,cy,t,ptype,pause
int i,red,grn,blu
float pi,twopi,d2r
float x1,y1,x2,y2
float k,r,inc,delta,theta

autodefine "OFF"

pi = 4 * fatan(1) : ' gives an accurate value of pi (3.1419 ..)
twopi = 2 * pi
d2r = pi / 180 : ' degree to radian conversion

openwindow w, 0, 0, 800, 600, wstyle, 0, "Picasso", &msghandler
setwindowcolor w,rgb(0,0,60)
control w, @button,"Exit", 500, 500, 70, 30, @ctlbtnflat, 1
setcontrolcolor w, 1, 0, rgb(120,140,220)
control w, @button,"Pause", 220, 500, 70, 30, @ctlbtnflat, 2
setcontrolcolor w, 2, 0, rgb(120,140,220)

maxsteps = 200

gosub initialise

cx = 400
cy = 250

pause = 0 : ' pause flag
gosub draw

starttimer w,3000,1 : ' refresh the pattern every 3 seconds ...

run = 1

waituntil run = 0
stoptimer w,1
closewindow w

SUB msghandler
select @class
case @idclosewindow
run = 0
case @idcreate
centerwindow w
case @idcontrol
case 1
' click the Exit button ...
run = 0
case 2
' click the pause button ..
if (pause = 0)
pause = 1 :' set pause flag
setcontroltext w,2,"Continue"
pause = 0 :' continue
setcontroltext w,2,"Pause"
case @idtimer
if (pause = 0)
gosub initialise
gosub draw

SUB draw

move w,cx,cy

while (r <= maxsteps)

  r = r + inc
  SETLINESTYLE w, @LSSOLID, int(1 + r / k)  :' line size
theta = theta + delta

' set the drawing color for this step ..
red = 127.5 * (1 + fcos(theta))
grn = 127.5 * (1 + fcos(theta + twopi/3))
blu = 127.5 * (1 + fcos(theta + 2 * twopi/3))

for i = 1 to ptype-1
x1 = cx + r * fcos(theta + i * twopi/ptype)
y1 = cy + r * fsin(theta + i * twopi/ptype)
lineto w,x1,y1,rgb(red,grn,blu)
next i


SUB initialise
' set start values for a drawing ..
' clear the screen ..
rect w,0,0,800,600,0,rgb(0,0,60)
r = 0.0
theta = RND(100.0)
' set pattern type ..
ptype = RAND(2,6)
' increments within maxsteps ..
inc = RND(2.0,30.0)
' angular increment ..
delta = RND(1.5,30.0) * d2r

' line thickness ..
k = RND(20,100)

all the best, :)

Tomorrow may be too late ..