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need to refresh my dialogs

Started by John S, November 15, 2007, 03:23:19 PM

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John S

I have listviews in dialogs that need to be redrawn/refreshed.  Whenever, a different app widow covers the dialog, the listview data is no longer visible.
John Siino, Advanced Engineering Services and Software

Bruce Peaslee

That doesn't happen here. Have you set the control for owner draw?
Bruce Peaslee
"Born too loose."
iTired (There's a nap for that.)
Well, I headed for Las Vegas
Only made it out to Needles

John S

November 15, 2007, 04:20:45 PM #2 Last Edit: November 15, 2007, 04:50:11 PM by John S
That's strange ... now it does seem to do it?  It seems o.k. now when I'm not running it under debug.  I wonder if it was only the debug session which did it.

Thanks Bruce for the quick reply.

Are you going to be around? I have a question regarding printing line drawings.

Scratch that!  It did do it again!
John Siino, Advanced Engineering Services and Software