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Creative User Guide

Started by GWS, July 25, 2009, 02:31:31 AM

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Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library


Thanks for keeping up this work over more than four years, Graham!   It may not get a mass readership but it is incredibly helpful to those of us who need all the help we can get.   Best wishes for Xmas and the New Year.

Adrian Fox



You have been doing outstanding work on this guide. I placed
it in my zip of the rest of the guide. Looking forward to the
other parts and more. Keep up the fantastic work.


P.S. I might try an use my PagePlus to make the guide into one PDF.


December 14, 2013, 08:53:33 PM #28 Last Edit: December 14, 2013, 09:02:57 PM by DennisL
Great work (and persistence Graham), sure to be an indispensable guide when completed (or even now with the chapters you've finished).  One question though..did you miss out the chapter (or 2 sub chapters) you mentioned in your earlier post about Input and Output?
EDIT:  sorry, I should have looked a bit harder before posting; they seem to be attached to some posts in another thread of this topic.  Here is a link to the start of the posts that have the chapter missing from this thread.


Thanks for the nice comments folks ..  :)

Sorry it takes me so long to put them together. I have to think what to say, and then code the example programs - then type up the pdfs in PagePlus.

Bill, I don't know how you'd get on with trying to put them together.   One problem is all the little pictures I've included to make the documents attractive.  They are from a number of Image Collections from Serif software (Numbers 2,3,4,5,and 6)

Maybe if I ever get to finishing .. ::) , I might take Larry up on his offer to use some authoring software he has. Even copy and pasting though, I bet it would be a big job ..  :)

The reason I like to press on with the notes, is that I really do think Creative is a super little language for almost anything you want to do on a PC.  With a footprint of only 4Mb, it's amazing what it can do.

I know some folk talk of 'dead languages' but you could say that about QB45,VB5,Delphi7 etc .. but all of those are still fully functional and some interesting work can be done using them. I just think CB beats those with its ease of use and feature set.

Well, on with the next bit ..

Best wishes, :)

Tomorrow may be too late ..