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Small time server

Started by sapero, July 20, 2007, 07:57:07 AM

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I'm very heavily using Microsoft's Virtual PC 2004 on XP home. But here is a problem with time delays on guest systems. For me it is not a problem, I can code something like time server on VPC host system, and time-clients for guest systems.
The first version worked with UDP sockets, but from guest OS "windows 98se" with 128MB memory reserved, the client was unable to send packet to the server - WSAENOBUFS.

The client application every 30s connects to the server and receives the real time, if the received time differs from local system time, the system time is updated.
The differences are from 0 - 6s !

Please hange the IP address in TimeClient.src, to the address where you ran the server, and disable function SetSystemTime if you want only to test this project.


looks nice thanx for sharing  ;)
just for your info, Virtual pc 2007 is released and free...
maybe this version fix that problem  :)


Yes, i know, i'm using it on desktop with xp pro