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SetControlText(d1, BUTTON_START, "Stop") ; what is the equivalent in Aurora ?

Started by pistol350, June 13, 2007, 01:51:18 PM

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Hi all!
I've searched  for a SetControlText command in Aurora but can't find any.
I found the GetControl , i then thought that i could find the Setcontrol one ,but not!

In fact i want to do something similar to this :  SetControlText(d1, BUTTON_START, "Stop") ;
I thought setText would help but i am afraid of the synthax error  :-\
Any suggestions ?

Peter B.

Bruce Peaslee

GetControl() returns a pointer to the control. Use AddControl() to create the control and set its text.

myDialog.AddControl(CTBUTTON,"Old Text",218,389,70,20,AWS_VISIBLE,ControlID);
// now change the text
CButton *pButton = GetControl(ControlID);
pButton -> SetText("New Text");

Don't be afraid of syntax errors - it's the errors the compiler doesn't catch that can be scary  ;)
Bruce Peaslee
"Born too loose."
iTired (There's a nap for that.)
Well, I headed for Las Vegas
Only made it out to Needles


Thanks Bruce!
I am gonna give it a try!

Don't be afraid of syntax errors - it's the errors the compiler doesn't catch that can be scary   ;)

String speach;
speach ="What you said";

Compiling error....   ;D

Peter B.