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IonicWind Snippit Manager 2.xx Released!  Install it on a memory stick and take it with you!  With or without IWBasic!

EBasic... AND....... 3Impact .. what a trial...

Started by J B Wood (Zumwalt), December 18, 2006, 05:39:51 PM

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J B Wood (Zumwalt)

December 18, 2006, 05:39:51 PM Last Edit: July 08, 2009, 02:23:15 PM by Jonathan (zumwalt) Wood
This pet project started.. well, just because I like punishment.


You can download the entire project from this link, you don't have to subscribe, just click on the download button to get the project.
Its also compiled, so you can run it.

By the way, take the LIB file from the folder that tells you what to do with it, and put it where it tells you to put it.. simple..


Hey Jonathan,
I've never built a game of any kind and rarely play them, but I do have to say that it's pretty amazing (and cool!) all that you've already done with Aurora and now EBasic. :)

Your coding samples, web site and blog... all first rate stuff!


J B Wood (Zumwalt)

Thanks, I don't think its all that. but it gets me where I need to go as it were. :)
I was amazed when I produced that demo for EBasic, made me laugh, and today I needed that smile, trust me.


Good job, Jonathan. You must've spent quite some time creating the .inc file. Example compiled perfectly and I also translated another one into EBasic (I have 3Impact). It's easy now that you've done the hard part. Thank you.


J B Wood (Zumwalt)

Most welcome. This is good for, works for but I haven't updated the list for the new methods from, I'll get around to that later, probably in a few weeks considering the holliday.

Brice Manuel

This is very good stuff.  Thank you for all of your hard work on this.

J B Wood (Zumwalt)

Thanks. This was born out of curiosity for EBasic, kind of shows the power that the compiler has if you ask my opinion.


WOW Jonathan, that's a great Demo!!  Thanks for sharing.  I'll have to print out the code and study this. I am a Newbie from Hermitage, TN next to Nashville.

Jerry - Newbie from TN

J B Wood (Zumwalt)

Welcome, I hope you enjoy it and get alot out of it.
3Impact will be releasing a new library on the 25'th (2 days away) when they do, there price will jump from $99 to $199 perspectively with a lifetime yearly upgrade of $50 (ok not upgrade, just contract renewal for updates).

The only thing you can't do with the distribution that I have on here (which is the distro dll "release" version) is build your own applications to sell (or distribute for that matter, you need a license from them). (there are 3 missing internal functions from release that exist in the debug, which are used for making skybox's, sphere groups etc.), so you can play with that code all you want and there other methods to see what you can do with the engine.

I can't guarantee what is going to change in v5, but that is v4.4.0.0 stuff. I own a commercial license of there engine and keep my renewals up to date with them. Very handy for PC gaming. Both EBasic and Aurora make programming for 3Impact that much easier IMO. CDECL / STDCALL joy joy :)