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Default parameters, Shift functions

Started by matty47, April 05, 2023, 02:44:15 AM

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Is there a way to set default (overideable) parameters for subs in Aurora? I could not find anything in the help file.
Does Aurora have any Shift functions eg SHR, SHL or >> or << ?
Also there is a mention of Aurora for Linux on the website however I could not find any other reference to it. Does it exist?
Thanks for any help.


I found these in the Aurora Help File:

Symbol      meaning
+         Addition / String concatenation.
-         Subtraction / Unary minus.
*         Multiplication / Pointer dereferencing / Pointer definition.
/         Division.
%         Modulus.  Remainder of an integer division.
^         Raise to a power.
=         Assignment / Equality.
==         Equality.
|         Bitwise OR.
||         Logical OR.
&         Bitwise AND / Address Of.
&&         Logical AND.
XOR         Exclusive OR.
AND         Logical AND.
OR         Logical OR.
>>         Bit shift right.
<<         Bit shift left.
->         Pointer derference and member access to struct class.
.         Member access to struct/class
>         Greater than.
<         Less Than.
>=         Greater than or equal.
<=         Less than or equal.
!=          Not equal.
< >         Not equal.
!         Boolean NOT.




Inspired by Brian I did some more reading and found an answer to the default parameters question
QuoteOptional parameters at the end of the parameter list may be specified using the OPT keyword. A default value may be specified and will be used if the parameter is not included in the calling list. If a default parameter is not included then either 0 or a NULL string will be passed to fill in the optional parameter
Sometimes it pays to read the help file more closely!