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IonicWind Snippit Manager 2.xx Released!  Install it on a memory stick and take it with you!  With or without IWBasic!


Started by sapero, October 27, 2006, 02:09:08 PM

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October 27, 2006, 02:09:08 PM Last Edit: December 08, 2008, 05:36:51 PM by sapero
CPropertyListView is a custom control to display and modify properties of a window, application settings, or whatever you want.
Current version is 7KB small (nasm code), and supports items of type:
- bool - true/false
- int
- unsigned int
- hex - only with 0x prefix
- string
- string list - the list is displayed in a popup listbox

Items of type int/hex/string are editable in small edit control, items of type bool/list you can change only by selecting from the list.
The first column is resizable - just drag the divider with mouse in same way as in listview.
Keys: up/down (in edit too) changes the selection, F4 pops/hides the listbox, ESC only hides the listbox. Return in edit control moves the selection to next item.
Any suggestions and bugs are welcome.

One bug is known: after some clicks inside two editable rows - first column/second column - the edit control eats the first character  :)
I can not find what is wrong.

Edit December 2008: added the assembly source.

Steven Picard

You always do great work.  Thanks for sharing!


Very impressive! and also very useful.
Thank you very much.
