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Own IWBasic 2.x ? -----> Get your free upgrade to 3.x now.........

So what do you think of it so far? ..

Started by GWS, September 23, 2007, 01:52:40 AM

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Well of course, I think it's great ..  :)

Smooth, efficient, and completely reliable.

Although not widely released yet, it's had thousands of lines of established code fed into it, with no bugs discovered so far.

Within the speed limits of it's current interpretive form, it's a slim and competent Basic.

I like the work environment.  While noting the coming of Scintilla for EBasic, I feel no strong yearning for editing or GUI designer improvements.  I think the 'KISS' principle applies here.  The Syntax Coloring is useful, as are the Components and Resources facilities.

DLL's can be used, but not created.  No problem really, 'cos EBasic can create DLL's if required.
In practice, my occasional DLL usage has been calling Windows API routines.

Limitations at present are a 'Compiler' facility, and more flexible 2D graphics facilities.  I do not count missing OOP content as a loss. ::)
Other than that, it's an excellent simple Basic for a wide range of applications ranging from fun to practical ..  :)

Another impressive offering from Paul ..  ;D

best wishes,


Tomorrow may be too late ..


What can i say about Creative Basic...
well, Ibasic Standard was the first programing language i use in Windows, and Creative is based on it ...
So i'll recommend it to anyone who want to start learning the basic ;)


I have not used Cbasic yet, but as Krypt said, Ibasic std was a wondeful gift from Paul,
So with the new features coming with Cbasic ,i guess the best words to describe it are:

"Geez!!!", my gosh!!!"   :o
I'm kidding. :)
Yep,the best way to go for starters   8)

Peter B.


Hah! ..  :) .. I detect a line of thinking which says Creative will be fine for beginners, but experienced programmers will want to use EBasic.

I was hoping some folk would see it from my viewpoint. that if you're doing ordinary, (read most) applications, CBasic would be the natural tool.  Just as if you're only going to work or shopping, you wouldn't use the Ferrari - you'd jump in the runabout ..  :)

Maybe it's not too apparent yet, 'cos we're missing the compiled .exe output, and improved 2D graphics.
I might be wrong, but I'm pretty sure if folk get to use it, they will see the advantages of the simple environment.

For example, I'm just finishing off a fairly large application, and as always, the debugging facilities have been a treat to use.

Of course all projects can be done using EBasic as a superset of programming tools.  You could even use Aurora if you can get your head round stuff like:

" Classes can have static class methods -- i.e. methods that can be called from a class type. Class static methods can be accessed without an object reference. Unlike ordinary class methods, class static methods have no Self parameter at all. They also cannot access any instance members. (They still have access to class fields, class properties, and class methods.) Also unlike class methods, class static methods cannot be declared virtual. "

'Er .. yes I suppose so ..  ::)

I like to use the simplest tools for the job ..  :)

I'm hoping folk will cast an eye on the huge range of example applications that CBasic will be tackling as it develops ..

all the best,

Tomorrow may be too late ..


Quote from: GWS on September 23, 2007, 03:45:07 PM

" Classes can have static class methods -- i.e. methods that can be called from a class type. Class static methods can be accessed without an object reference. Unlike ordinary class methods, class static methods have no Self parameter at all. They also cannot access any instance members. (They still have access to class fields, class properties, and class methods.) Also unlike class methods, class static methods cannot be declared virtual. "

Ok, i must admit that you are truely right.
So let's say that Cbasic is the perfect tool for Hobbyist programmers and obviously starters   :D  ::)
I'm kidding ;)

Peter B.