July 26, 2024, 09:51:24 PM


IWBasic runs in Windows 11!

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IWB3.x Bug Reports / Re: IDE crashes
Last post by Egil - July 20, 2024, 01:11:54 PM
my tabletop was running on Windows 10 Pro. And that was the first pc IWB crashed on. When I discovered that it worked on a laptop using Win 11 Home, I upgraded my tabletop to Win 11. Then, while I was in Trondheim I came over a shop selling out all their stock as they were closing down. I boughrt another HP laptop running Win 11 Home for less than half original price.
That worked for the next three months. But after an update all three machines chrashed when loading source  files into IWB. Tried to cancel the update, but it did not work.

But EB and IWB version 2 still works here. Guess the difference between the two is only the names.
I don't know the doifference between  IWB version 2 and version 3, only know that version 3 does not work here. So far using the older versions have not been a real problem for me. But for users that only have version 3 I guess this can be a problem, as the different Windows versions seem to differ betrween countries. So maybe the users with version 3 only should be offered a download of version 2, so they are able to use IWB while waiting for the problem to be fixed.

This software behaviour is not for IWB only. I have five other software packets for radio use here that also behave the same way now, and other radio hams report that they have same problems with other software packets as well.

Till now all new windows versions where backwards conmpatible, but now I have the feeling that this policy is no longer supported by Microsoft. Which to me show that I can't trust them anymore.

I have granchildren using Rasberry PI only, for the same work as I use windows for. So maybe I should buy a Rasberry kit myself and start to program using C/C++ again. Must admit I'm tempted....

Regards from Norway!

IWB3.x Bug Reports / Re: IDE crashes
Last post by LarryMc - July 20, 2024, 11:03:19 AM
Quote from: Egil on July 18, 2024, 01:47:55 AMI still think the easiest solution to these problems will be to use other text editors and enabling us to access the compiler/linker "manually".
One of my early attempts at a work around was to do that sort of thing. But to accomplish that the compiler needs to open the source file and there in lies the problem. It crashed every time I tried to open the source file and run the compiler.
I'm sure if I was a better programmer I could solve the problem but I'm not.

It also appears that if you have Windows 10 Pro that the crash does not occur but I do not have a machine I can verify that on.

IWB3.x Bug Reports / Re: IDE crashes
Last post by ckoehn - July 20, 2024, 06:42:47 AM
Still running, modifying and compiling on Windows 10 Pro.

I just installed it to C:\IWBASIC and have had no problems so far. (knock on wood)

I have programs running on computers on commercial catfish farms and one on an alligator farm monitoring their incubators for temperature.  Custom made their hardware and software for them.

Would have been hard to do it without IWBASIC for computer software and GCBASIC for electronic hardware. (plugging for it all  ;D )

IWB3.x Bug Reports / Re: IDE crashes
Last post by Egil - July 18, 2024, 01:47:55 AM
That's good news Larry.

But unfortunately all my three computers, all now running WINDOWS 11 HOME using norwegian language setup, now crashes when I try to load a source file into IWB3. Regardless of what kind of installation I choose. I wonder if the Windows versions sold in different countries also can be different.
I still think the easiest solution to these problems will be to use other text editors and enabling us to access the compiler/linker "manually". That method worked just fine with other coding languages when I first started coding back in the late 1960s.

I'm afraid that all we achieve when these problems still exist, is loosing members.
IWB3.x Bug Reports / Re: IDE crashes
Last post by LarryMc - July 13, 2024, 11:24:05 AM
FINALLY..... some good news.
But first a recap.
Late last summer, user jayelbee purchased IWBasic and then reported that when he tried to use it, it kept crashing. Thinking there may have been something corrupted in the file he downloaded, I downloaded it and installed it and found it crashed on my computer. I thought I had discovered the problem. I found an archive copy on my backup drive and before uploading I installed it to check it out first. It also crashed. I had a couple more backups and I tried them and they all crashed. I then tried them on other computers I have in the house with the same results. The last attempt I made was on a laptop that had not been powered up in quite sometime. When I installed IWBasic on it, it perform as expected. This told me that Windows had made some updates that had  impacted IWB somehow.
The crashing was occurring whenever IWB tried to open a window and it used Scintilla to do that. I spent several months dealing with the editor of Scintilla learning exactly how it works and trying to write an IDE that didn't use it. Also, after learning that Notepad and Notepad2 (plus other text editors) all use Scintilla) proved to me that Scintilla itself wasn't the problem.
And all Scintilla winds up doing is issuing a Windows command to open a window.
So. after months and months of beating my head against the wall I submitted a query to Microsoft through their proper channels. I have yet to here back from them.
The good news:
In the mean time, the desktop that I wrote all my IWBasic programs on was getting old so I bought me a new one. It's an HP (super fast) and it came with Windows 11 Home version on it.  I downloaded IWBasic from the IonicWind/Customers site and installed it as a memorystick version on my new desktop. (That's because it has a 2TB D drive.
I IWB and randomly loading example programs, compiling, and running them.  Everything appears to be working as advertised.
Then I got to thinking about the laptop that IWB worked on. That laptop had belonged to my late son. I couldn't remember if I had ever checked to see which version of windows was running on it. So I checked and it is Windows 11 home.

So, without a doubt IWBasic WILL run on without crashing on WINDOWS 11 HOME!
User Offerings / Re: Tablets Database
Last post by Brian - June 13, 2024, 07:59:16 AM
In response to Larry's suggestion about having an extra field to state why a particular medication was prescribed when you printed a list of meds, here's a little fix. As before, if you have already got a database set up, you will have to re-input the data

I have also adjusted the DDoc print routines to print Letter paper size if you are in the US or Canada, and as A4 for other countries

Note that I have changed the 'Print All' menu option to 'Print Listing' and modified the help file

Re-uploaded today . . .

BrianNo message is associated with this attachment.
User Offerings / Re: Tablets Database
Last post by Brian - June 12, 2024, 03:18:00 AM
I'll take a look at that, Larry - thanks for responding

User Offerings / Re: Tablets Database
Last post by LarryMc - June 11, 2024, 01:11:00 PM
on the list of meds that I take to all my visits to Dr's offices, hospitals, ERs, etc there is a column that list the reason I take the med(was prescribed it)
User Offerings / Re: Tablets Database
Last post by Brian - June 11, 2024, 04:55:23 AM
I have realised when you used the 'Print All' menu option that it could do with a bit more detail, so I have added an extra edit field for you to type in medication instructions, such as 'Take 1 a day, with food' or 'Take 1, twice a day' or 'Take 1 at night, with water' etc

Because I have added an extra field onto the MDB, you will have to re-enter your data into the program, but it will be most unlikely that there will be hundreds of lines to alter!

All you need in the zip. I have deleted all previous uploads of the program

User Offerings / Re: Tablets Database
Last post by Brian - May 29, 2024, 11:44:25 AM

For those of you who want to take advantage of the Print Form feature, I have modified the Preferences dialog for you to add your Name, Address and DoB. This means you don't have to re-compile the program in any way

There is also an updated CHM and ini file. This zip contains the exe, source, help file and ini only

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