float GraphOnePercent = 0 double GraphPercentCount = 0 float GraphMinutes = 0 float GraphSeconds = 0 float GraphTimerSpeed = 0 Uint GraphOutline Uint GraphFill double GraphWidth = 0 int GraphHeight = 0 int GraphAcross = 0 int GraphDown = 0 INT GraphMaximum = 0 sub GraphSpeed(float MinutesIn),float GraphMaximum = MinutesIn * 60 'Maximum value - here minutes are translated into seconds GraphTimerSpeed = GraphMaximum / 100 'One percent of maximum value GraphTimerSpeed = GraphTimerSpeed * 1000 'Translate to seconds = One percent - this will be done 100 times return GraphTimerSpeed endsub sub CreateGraph(window WinIn,int OutLineIn,int FillIn) GraphOnePercent = GraphWidth / 100 rect WinIn,GraphAcross,GraphDown,GraphWidth,GraphHeight,OutLineIn,FillIn endsub sub UpdateGraph(window WinIn,int OutLineIn,int FillIn),int GraphPercentCount++ rect WinIn,GraphAcross,GraphDown,GraphPercentCount * GraphOnePercent,GraphHeight,OutLineIn,FillIn if GraphPercentCount = 100 stoptimer WinIn endif return GraphPercentCount endsub sub EraseGraph(window WinIn,int OutLineIn,int FillIn) rect WinIn,GraphAcross,GraphDown,GraphWidth,GraphHeight,OutLineIn,FillIn endsub