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Working dictionary / associative array

Started by Parker, December 10, 2005, 05:50:40 PM

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December 10, 2005, 05:50:40 PM Last Edit: December 10, 2005, 06:50:50 PM by VirusScanner
Yay, I've made two accomplishments:
1) 5 topics in a row startedÂÃ,  ::)
2) Working associative array implementation in a class.

It's implemented in two separate source files in a much bigger project, but here is the dictionary class file and the linked lists file it depends on:

// Dictionary

struct listnode {
pointer pData;
listnode *pNext;
listnode *pPrev;

declare extern ListCreate(),pointer;
declare extern ListAdd(listnode *list, pointer item),pointer;
declare extern ListAddHead(listnode *list, pointer item),pointer;
declare extern ListGetFirst(listnode *list),pointer;
declare extern ListGetLast(listnode *list),pointer;
declare extern ListGetNext(listnode *list),pointer;
declare extern ListGetPrev(listnode *list),pointer;
declare extern ListGetData(listnode *list),pointer;
declare extern ListRemove(listnode *list, opt int bDelete = 0),pointer;
declare extern ListRemoveAll(listnode *list, opt int bDelete = 0);

class Dictionary
unsigned int m_uHashSize;
listnode *m_pLists;

declare Create(unsigned int size);
declare Hash(string str),unsigned int;
declare Add(string key, pointer value);
declare Get(string key),pointer;

struct DictNode
pointer key;
pointer value;

Dictionary::Create(unsigned int size)
unsigned int i;
pointer pNode;

m_uHashSize = size;
m_pLists = new(listnode, size);


Dictionary::Destroy(opt unsigned int delCallback=0)
unsigned int hProc;
pointer i, j;
pointer pData, pValue;
hProc = delCallback;

for (i = m_pLists; i <= (m_pLists+((m_uHashSize-1) * len(listnode))); i += len(listnode))
for (j = ListGetFirst(i); j <> 0; j = ListGetNext(j))
pData = ListGetData(j);
if (hProc)
pValue = *(DictNode)pData.value;
lea edx, [ebp-4]
mov eax, [ebp-20]
lea eax, [eax-16]
push dword eax
call [edx]
delete *(DictNode)pData.key;
ListRemoveAll(i, 1);


Dictionary::Hash(string str)
unsigned int i, hash;
hash = 0;

for (i = 0; i < len(str); i++)
hash = hash << 5 | str[i];
hash = hash % m_uHashSize;

return hash;

Dictionary::Add(string key, pointer value)
if ((m_pLists = 0) or (m_uHashSize = 0)) return;

unsigned int uHash;
DictNode *node;
uHash = Hash(key);
node = new(DictNode,1);
*node.key = new(byte, len(key)+1);
*node.*key = key;
*node.value = value;

ListAdd(m_pLists+(uHash*len(listnode)), node);


Dictionary::Get(string key)
pointer pList, pNode;
DictNode *pData;
string *pKey;
pList = m_pLists + (Hash(key) * len(listnode));
if (pList = 0) return 0;
pNode = ListGetFirst(pList);
if (pNode = 0) return 0;
while (pNode <> 0)
pData = ListGetData(pNode);
pKey = *pData.key;
if (*pKey = key) break;
pNode = ListGetNext(pNode);

if (*pKey = key) return *(DictNode)pData.value else return 0;

struct listnode {
pointer pData;
listnode *pNext;
listnode *pPrev;

// Linked List implementation, like the one in IB

global sub ListCreate(),pointer
listnode *pTemp;
pTemp = new(listnode,1);
// new automatically zeroes memory.

return pTemp;


global sub ListAdd(listnode *list, pointer item),pointer
listnode *pTemp;

if (list = 0) return item;

pTemp = ListGetLast(list);

*pTemp.pNext = new(listnode,1);
*pTemp.*pNext.pPrev = pTemp;
*pTemp.*pNext.pData = item;

return item;

global sub ListAddHead(listnode *list, pointer item),pointer
listnode *pTemp;

if (list = 0) return item;

pTemp = *list.pNext;
*list.pNext = new(listnode,1);

*list.*pNext.pPrev = list;
*list.*pNext.pData = item;
*list.*pNext.pNext = pTemp;

if (pTemp <> 0)
*pTemp.pPrev = *list.pNext;

return item;


global sub ListGetFirst(listnode *list),pointer
if (list = 0) return 0;

return *list.pNext;

global sub ListGetLast(listnode *list),pointer
listnode *pTemp;

if (list = 0) return 0;

pTemp = list;
while (*pTemp.pNext <> 0)
pTemp = *pTemp.pNext;

return pTemp;


global sub ListGetNext(listnode *list),pointer
if (list = 0) return 0;

return *list.pNext;

global sub ListGetPrev(listnode *list),pointer
// can't do anything to a null list
if (list = 0) return 0;
// this is needed for below
if (*list.pPrev = 0) return 0;
// since the list starts with a null node (pPrev and pData = 0),
// the first should be the one right after the real first.
if (*list.*pPrev.pPrev = 0) return 0;

return *list.pPrev;


global sub ListGetData(listnode *list),pointer
if (list = 0) return 0;

return *list.pData;


global sub ListRemove(listnode *list, opt int bDelete = 0),pointer
listnode *pPrev;
listnode *pNext;

if (list = 0) return 0;

pPrev = *list.pPrev;
pNext = *list.pNext;

if ((*list.pData <> 0) and (bDelete <> 0)) delete *list.pData;

delete list;

if (pPrev <> 0)
*pPrev.pNext = pNext;
if (pNext <> 0)
*pNext.pPrev = pPrev;

return pNext;

global sub ListRemoveAll(listnode *list, opt int bDelete = 0)
listnode *node;

if (list = 0) return 0;

for (node = ListGetFirst(list); node <> 0; node = ListRemove(node))
if (bDelete) delete *node.pData;


example (in, just paste the Dictionary class and DictNode definitions):
#include ""

global sub main()
Dictionary d;
int *i;


i = new(int,1);
*i = 1;
d.Add("First", i);
i = new(int, 1);
*i = 2;
d.Add("Second", i);
i = d.Get("Second");
writeln("Found: "+str$(*i,0)+"\n");

while (GetKey() = "");
return 0;

sub DictDestroy(pointer pData)
writeln("Destroying: "+str$(*(int)pData,0)+"\n");
delete pData;

You can store whatever you want in it, but you have to store it as a pointer using Add. If you don't want it to be case sensitive, just use lcase$() or ucase$() to convert the strings before using Get and Add.

Edit: I've added the Destroy() function. It takes one optional parameter, the address of a function to call when an item needs to be deleted. It's demonstrated in the example. Also, Get() now works correctly.


Woo Hoo. Dictionary functions to store any type of data. IBasic could only store strings so this is great news for me.

Thanks a lot.


Sorry for bringing back up an old topic, but I wanted to know a couple of things:
- Is the asm bit I used to call the function okay? What I mean is, this bit seemed a little odd: "lea eax, [eax-16]" because apparently the item I want to pass isn't stored as I thought it was. Maybe I just miscalculated, but it seemed a little odd to me.

- Is there a syntax for calling functions indirectly like this? It'd be nice if there was something better than IBasic's !<Template>Function(value) maybe something like FB:
dim x as function(value as integer) as integer
x = @somefunction
y = x(3)