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Delimited File Editor v0.01

Started by WayneA, December 20, 2008, 09:42:51 AM

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/*Delimited File Editor v0.01.
   This is a console-based ascii delimited file editor. I've tried to keep it pretty flexible
   so that you can decide how to structure your files. The only conditions that your files
   must comply with are:
      * Each record is seperated by CR/LF.
      * The first record/line defines the name of the fields.
      * The first line can be no more than 512 characters in length.
      * Field delimiters may only be between 1 and 9 characters in length.
      * Files cannot be any larger than 64k. I just didn't feel like messing around with dynamic strings.
         ** Note that the first line is seperate from the rest of the file when in memory. So the body
         may be 64k and the first line (which defines the records) can be up to 512 bytes.
      Syntax "<cmd> [param1] [param2] [...]"
      add_column <name_of_field>
         Adds a new field.
      del_column <name_of_field>
         Remove a field.
         Displays the first record/line which holds the name of the fields.
      set_delim <delim>
         Sets the delimiter between fields. Keep in mind the heading is not updated when this
         changes and that it may be no longer than 9 characters. If you do more than that you're overwriting
         memory. Also note that spaces may be used, just type "set_delim  ".
         Displays the delimiter.
      set_filename <filename>
         Sets the default filename. Keep in mind that spaces mean "new argument" which means you need to use
         the short file name in the case of spaces in the path.
      get_entry <index>
         Displays the specified entry.
      del_entry <index>
         Removes the specified entry. Honestly this will only remove the first instance that looks exactly the
         same as the entry you specify. I don't see this as being a huge deal and it was so much easier to write
         this way.
         Clears the console.
         Displays the number of fields in the first record/line which holds the name of the fields.
         Displays the number of records/entries.
         Displays all of the records but not the first line that contains the name of the fields.
      del_file [<filename>]
         Either deletes the default file or it deletes the file that was passed to it.
      save [<filename>]
         Either saves the delimited file to the default file or to the filename that was passed to it.
      load [<filename>]
         Either loads the delimited file from the default file or from the filename that was passed to it.
         Saves to default file then quits. If default filename is blank it reports an error and remains open.
         Exits without saving.
AutoDefine "Off"
Dim cmd,entry,filename As String
Dim heading[513],delim[10],delim_str[65537] As IString
Dim i As Int
   Input ">",cmd
   Select LCase$(NthField(cmd," ",1))
      Case "add_column"
         If fieldcount(cmd," ")>1 Then
            If heading="" Then
               heading=NthField(cmd," ",2)
               heading+=delim+NthField(cmd," ",2)
            End If
            Print("cmd \"add_column\" requires 1 parameter.")
         End If
      Case "del_column"
         If InStr(heading,delim)=0 And InStr(heading,NthField(cmd," ",2))<>0 Then
            If fieldcount(cmd," ")>1 Then
               If InStr(heading,NthField(cmd," ",2))=1 Then
                  heading=Remove$(heading,NthField(cmd," ",2)+delim)
                  heading=Remove$(heading,delim+NthField(cmd," ",2))
               End If
               Print "cmd \"del_column\" requires 1 parameter."
            End If
         End If
      Case "add_entry"
         For i=0 to fieldcount(heading,delim)-1
            Input NthField(heading,delim,i+1)+">",cmd
         Next i
         If delim_str="" Then delim_str=entry Else delim_str+="\n"+entry
      Case "get_heading"
         Print heading
      Case "set_delim"
         If fieldcount(cmd," ")>1 Then
            If fieldcount(cmd," ")=3 And NthField(cmd," ",2)="" Then
               delim=" "
               delim=NthField(cmd," ",2)
            End If
            Print "cmd \"set_delim\" requires 1 parameter."
         End If
      Case "get_delim"
         Print delim
      Case "set_filename"
         If fieldcount(cmd," ")>1 Then
            filename=Mid$(cmd,InStr(cmd," ")+1)
            Print "cmd \"set_filename\" requires 1 parameter."
         End If
      Case "get_filename"
         Print filename
      Case "get_entry"
         If fieldcount(cmd," ")>1 Then
            If fieldcount(delim_str,"\n")<Val(NthField(cmd," ",2)) Or Val(NthField(cmd," ",2))<1 Then
               Print "No entry #",NthField(cmd," ",2),"."
               If fieldcount(delim_str,delim)=fieldcount(heading,delim) Then
                  Print delim_str
                  Print NthField(delim_str,"\n",Val(NthField(cmd," ",2)))
               End If
            End If
            Print "cmd \"get_entry\" requires 1 parameter."
         End If
      Case "del_entry"
         If fieldcount(cmd," ")>1 Then
            If fieldcount(delim_str,delim)=fieldcount(heading,delim) Then
               If InStr(delim_str,NthField(delim_str,"\n",Val(NthField(cmd," ",2)))) Then
                  delim_str=Remove$(delim_str,NthField(delim_str,"\n",Val(NthField(cmd," ",2)))+"\n")
                  delim_str=Remove$(delim_str,"\n"+NthField(delim_str,"\n",Val(NthField(cmd," ",2))))
               End If
            End If
            Print "cmd \"del_entry\" requires 1 parameter."
         End If
      Case "cls"
      Case "get_fieldcount"
         Print fieldcount(heading,delim)
      Case "get_entrycount"
         Print fieldcount(delim_str,"\n")
      Case "get_data"
         Print delim_str
      Case "del_file"
         If fieldcount(cmd," ")>1 Then
            DeleteFile NthField(cmd," ",2)
            If filename<>"" Then
               DeleteFile filename
               Print "cmd \"del_file\" requires either 1 parameter or to \"set_filename\" prior to use."
            End If
         End If
      Case "save"
         If fieldcount(cmd," ")>1 Then
            Save(Mid$(cmd,InStr(cmd," ")+1))
         End If
      Case "load"
         If fieldcount(cmd," ")>1 Then
            Load(Mid$(cmd,InStr(cmd," ")+1))
         End If
      Case "done"
         If filename="" Then
            Print "Must \"set_filename\" prior to using \"done\" command."
         End If
      Case "bye"
      Case& "quit"
      Case& "exit"
      Case& "abort"
   End Select
Until False

Sub Save(fn As String)
   Dim f As File
   If OpenFile(f,fn,"W")=0 Then
   End If
End Sub

Sub Load(fn As String)
   Dim f As File
   Dim buf[32*1024] As IString
   If OpenFile(f,fn,"R")=0 Then
      Until Eof(f)
      If delim_str[Len(delim_str)-2]="\x0D" Then
      End If
   End If
End Sub

Sub Remove$(source As String,target As String,Opt startpos=0 As Int),String
   Dim pos As Int
   If pos Then
      Return Left$(source,pos-1)+Mid$(source,pos+Len(target))
   End If
   Return source
End Sub

Sub NthField(source As String,delimiter As String,fieldnumber As Int),String
   Dim delpos,nexpos,count As Int
   While nexpos
      If count=fieldnumber Then
         If count=1 Then delpos=1-Len(delimiter)
         Return Mid$(source,delpos+Len(delimiter),nexpos-delpos-Len(delimiter))
      End If
   Return Mid$(source,delpos+Len(delimiter))
End Sub

Sub fieldcount(source As String,delimiter As String),Int
   Dim delpos,nexpos,count As Int
   While nexpos
   Return count+1
End Sub
99 little bugs in the code,
99 bugs in the code,
Fix one bug,
Compile again,
104 little bugs in the code...

All code I post is in the public domain.