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Info Only Update 11-03-2014

Started by LarryMc, November 03, 2014, 06:02:06 AM

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Hit a major milestone (for me anyway).
I have finished the Button section of the controls section of the help file

Why is it a milestone?
1. It confirms the structural layout that I will follow for all the controls (which is to include all commands that can be used with the control which includes the control specific commands and the general commands that apply to most controls).
The idea is to have all the applicable commands for a control in one place with links to all the expanded discussions for each individual command.  It will result in a lot of redundant text but hopefully will eliminate some of the scavenger hunts for information that was required in the past.

2. The Button section, which includes @BUTTON, @SYSBUTTON, and @RGNBUTTON controls really had the least amount of specific documentation about them.

So, three controls down and 25 to go.
Larry McCaughn :)
Author of IWB+, Custom Button Designer library, Custom Chart Designer library, Snippet Manager, IWGrid control library, LM_Image control library